InterChurch News 

'A truthful witness saves lives' -Proverbs 14:25

Member: California Newspaper Publishers Assoc. / Digital News  

October 2024 / Est. 2013


The Bible says: 

"All streams run to the sea,

but the sea is not full;

to the place where the streams flow,

there they flow again ...

Ecclesiastes 1:7-8

Photos: Southwestern Riverside County (L), Sequoia National Forest (Lower, L), Big Sur coastline (Lower, R).  

-Photos © InterChurch News

"See, the whole land is before you; go wherever you think it good and right to go."

-Jeremiah 40:4

News & Notable 2024



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Contrasting Realities 

Historic Broadway Theater & Commercial District's vintage "Los Angeles" movie palace

v. 21st Century skyskraper project Oceanwide Plaza 


Los Angeles' former movie premier hotspot was six blocks of 12 theaters

-- "the highest concentration of movie palaces in the world--

along downtown's South Broadway (L), which

houses one of the few active Broadway theater venues remaining, 

the 'Los Angeles' (Top, L) built in 1931

-- a relic of Hollywood's Golden-era high-end movie theaters.

A mile or so southwest from Broadway,

the $1B, 55 story, three-tower Oceanwide Plaza skyscraper project (Top, R)

-- abandoned mid-construction in 2019 by Oceanwide Holdings for "financial troubles" --

is falling prey

to graffiti artists and vandals (Lower).  



- Photos InterChurch News



Celebration of Life

Peter Seidler

November 7, 1960 - November 14, 2023


On Saturday, March 23, the Celebration of Life for the late San Diego Padres owner

Peter Seidler

was held in Petco Park for the fans, family, friends and employees.

of the man who spearheaded the transformation of the Padres into a blockbuster team

culminating in winning the National League West Division over the Dodgers in 2022.

Seidler, who previoulsy battled with cancer, passed away November 14, 2023.

The cause of death is undisclosed to the public.

He was 63. 

Those attending the 11 a.m. Celebration event included

former 1973-1980 Padres right fielder, team captain and Hall of Famer Dave Winfield (Center, L),

the 2024 Padres lineup including third baseman Manny Machado (Center, R),

former 1973-1980 Padres pitcher Randy Jones (Lower, L), and former 1983-1987 Padres first baseman 

Steve Garvey (Lower, R) -- currently California's Republican candidate for U.S. Senate. 

Padres sportscaster Don Orsillo served as emcee. Two thousand Padres fans attended.

Eulogies for the beloved Seidler were given by

Manny Machado, AJ Preller, President of Baseball Operations and GM, 

Mike Shildt, Manager, San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria,

Stephanie Kilkenny, co-founder of Lucky Duck Foundation, Bob McElroy, CEO of Alpha Project,

Padres pitcher and Hall of Famer Trevor Hoffman, and

Alicia Gwynn, wife of Padres right fielder and Hall of Famer Tony Gwynn

Padres pitcher Joe Musgrove, Seidler's sister Annie Seidler Hagan and brother Tom Seidler


-Photos, screenshot (Lower, L) InterChurch News


-Photo Essay


Belmont Park in Mission Beach, San Diego

is a major player in southern California family-friendly entertainment.

On-site is one of two remaining wood-framed California roller coaster rides (Upper, R),

rock climbing (lower, L), zip line (lower, R) and Olympic-sized pool swimming.

Not exactly cheap thrills in 2024, Belmont Park offers competive rates, 

and plenty more fun alley options (for rates, rides hours click here).

Thank a veteran. 


-Photos InterChurch News



National Medal of Honor Day,  March 25

Honoring Service and Sacrifice 

Ft. Rosecrans, San Diego 

-Photos InterChurch News


Remembering the 21 Christian martyrs

of February 15, 2015


'Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus

and for the word of God,

and those who had not worshipped the beast

or its image and had not received its mark

on their foreheads or their hands.

They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.'

-Revelation 20:4-5


'In 2015 21 Coptic Christians were beheaded by ISIS on a beach in Libya. ISIS released a video of the beheadings that was intended to terrorise Christians in the Middle East. Yet this very video is watched repeatedly by the families of the martyrs: they are inspired by the calmness and courage of their men. Why are Coptic Christians encouraged rather than terrorised by the video?

Martin Mosebach, an award-winning journalist, travelled to the village that was home to 16 of the martyrs, to interview their families, church leaders and others. His inspiring investigation describes the primitive faith of Egyptian Christians, who have been using the same creed and liturgy since AD42, and how they live in the face of persecution in a Muslim-majority country.'

For more information, refer to Release International ministry to order

'The 21 -- A Journey into the Land of Coptic Martyrs'

by Martin Mosebach

Further references:

  1. 'Do This For Love -- Free Burma Rangers in the Battle of Mosul' by David Eubank with Hosannah Valentine, 2020
  2. 'The Persecution and Genocide of Christians in the Middle East -- Prevention, Prohibition & Prosecution' Edited by Ronald J. Rychlak, Jane F. Adolphe, 2017
  3. Wikipedia: 2015 kidnapping and beheading of Copts in Libya
  4. 'The Global War on Christians -- Dispatches from the Front Lines of Anti-Christian Persecution' by John L Allen Jr., 2013
  5. 'Tortured for Christ' by Richard Wurmbrand, 1967. 'I tremble for Western Christians who don't help their persecuted brethren. In the depth of my heart, I would like to keep the beauty of my own vineyard and not be involved in such a huge fight. I would like so much to be somewhere in quietness and rest. But it is not possible ... the quietness and rest for which I long would be an escape from reality and dangerous for my soul ... the West sleeps and must be awakened to see the plight of the captive nations.' 

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