InterChurch News 

'A truthful witness saves lives' -Proverbs 14:25

Member: California Newspaper Publishers Assoc. / Digital News  

February 2025 / Est. 2013


Jesus said: 

'This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

I glorified You on the earth, having accomplished the work which You have given Me to do.'

-John 17:3-4 (NASB)


'To Whom Shall We Go?'

"So Jesus said to the twelve, 'You do not want to go away also, do you?'

Simon Peter answered Him, 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life.

We have believed ...'"

 -John 6:67-69

News & Notable 2022

Issue: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13

Hay Bales in a Field

Vol. X, Issue 14 | July 15 - 31 

  • America's Frontline Doctors: J6 political prisoner -- Simone Gold, M.D., J.D., media-bashed advocate of hydroxychloroquine-mix for early treatment of COVID-19, imprisoned for Jan. 6 Election Integrity Capitol protest trespass charge
  • Miami Herald: Gov. DeSantis files complaint over drag show performed in front of kids (video)
  • Daily Wire: FDA warning -- Brain swelling, vision loss detected in minors using puberty blockers
  • Mike Huckabee: Four witnesses, IG Report confirm 'Trump officially requested up to 20,000 National Guard troops for ... January 6'
  • H.Res. 1233: House Republican Resolution lists and condemns attacks on prolife facilities, churches, Ariz. State Capitol (which led to senate evacuation)
  • Ruth Institute: Calif. detransitioning teen testifies of irreversible damage experienced in gender transitioning medical procedures
  • California Family Council: State Democrat's SB 107 Gender-Affirming Health Care bill 'declares war on parents throughout the country ...' --Greg Burt, CFC
  • Samaritan's Purse: Crisis in Ukraine -- medical work, food distribution continue
  • Just the News: Twenty-one confirmed 2020 Election illegalities, irregularities



The Bible says: James 4:7-8 | Jesus said: John 17:3-4

Cover photo: The Harvest is Plentiful -- the Workers Few. -Stock photo


Vol. X, Issue 13 | July 1 - 14 (archives)

  • Always Be Ready: Evidence for God
  • Ask Dr. Brown: Let Faith Transform America
  • Mike Huckabee: Jan. 6 Committee is McCarthyism on steroids
  • Defender: Why the rush to jab toddlers? asks The Wall Street Journal
  • California Family: State Senator Melendez (R) questions sponsor of AB 2223 making infanticide hard to investigate (video)
  • Alliance Defending Freedom: Launch of 'Promise to America's Parents' website, national campaign to equip parents to protect their children from LGBT/CRT curriculum
  • Dominion Voting: 'Baseless claims ... setting the record straight'
  • Defending the Republic: A brief history of congressional testimony, public opinion regarding potential voting machine manipulation (video)
  • Frank Speech: Hearings, opinions on the potential to hack computerized voting machines (video)



The Bible says: Matthew 24:12-13 | Jesus said: Matthew 25:35-36

Cover Photo: Election Integrity-Voter ID. -Stock photo



'There is involved in this struggle,

the question whether your children

and my children shall enjoy

the privileges we have enjoyed.'

-Abraham Lincoln

Commentary: The fuel that ignited Jan. 6 revisited


Vol. X, Issue 12 | June 15 - 30 (archives)

  • NY Post/2020 flashback: Ex-NY Times reporter says.paper held story about Kenosha riot victims, stores until after 2020 election
  • Federalist/2020 flashback: Speaker Pelosi on the tearing down of public-owned, historical statues by BLM mobs: 'People will do what they do' (video)
  • Daily Wire: Biden HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra called SCOTUS Roe decision 'despicable,' HHS budget proposal replaced 'mother' with 'birthing people' (video)
  • Decision: Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade
  • Ask Dr. Brown: The significance of overturning Roe
  • White House: Biden: This fall, Roe is on the ballot' 
  • Focus on the Family: Post Roe, let's stop talking about how expensive children are -- they're priceless
  • LifeSite News: DHS agent warns manifesto essentially calls for 'extreme violence against Catholic churches and crisis pregnancy centers' in Night of Rage
  • Intercessors for America: 5-4, Roe is overturned
  • Life Training Institute: How to defend the unborn, your pro-life view in 5-minutes or less
  • Evangelical Immigration Table: Poll -- 81% of white evangelicals support bipartisan path to citizenship for Dreamers with improvements to border security
  • Washington Examiner: GOP letter -- AG Garland should investigate attacks on crisis pregnancy centers, churches as acts of domestic terrorism
  • California Family: Twitter censorship double standard? Calif. State Senator Scott Wiener tweets bill idea: 'Drag Queen 101' for K-12 schools
  • Daily Wire: SCOTUS rules Maine can't discriminate against sectarian schools in taxpayer-funded tuition assistance case
  • Focus on the Family: Celebrating Father's Day as a foster dad
  • Answers in Genesis: Six reasons for a literal six day creation
  • Always Be Ready: Finding peace with God
  • Daily Caller:North Carolina Pre-K teacher resigns after LGBT, pregnant man flashcards found in her classroom  



The Bible says: Genesis 2:17 | Jesus said: Mark 6:31

Cover photo: 'It is Written ...' -Adobe Stock photo


Vol. X, Issue 11 | June 1 - 14 (archives)

  • Intercessors for America: More pregnancy centers firebombed, churches targeted
  • California Family: Seventy unvaccinated students at Granada Hills Charter High School banned from graduation events
  • Changed Movement: Former LGBT individuals hold Washington D.C. press conference
  • CBN News: 'Freedom March' celebrates deliverance through Christ for LGBT in cities nationwide
  • Samaritan's Purse: Estimated 12 million Ukrainians left their homes; ministry provides medical aid, food, clothing and backpacks for kids
  • PragerU: The War on Boys (5-minute video)
  • Mike Huckabee: Trump offered up to 20,000 National Guardsmen to Speaker Pelosi and D.C. mayor for Jan. 6 MAGA rally as security -- they declined
  • RIVCO Registrar of Voters: Riverside County votes blue: Newsom gets nearly 50% of low mail-in ballot election return (semi-official)
  • Video Review: Kenn Gullicksen: The Beginnings of Vineyard
  • Stuck in Election Traffic? Biblical Voter | Election Forum
  • California Family: Activist at rally say infanticide is 'a woman's right'
  • Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) denies appeal for World Trade Center Building 7 'office fires' collapse correction, AE9/11 Truth, 9/11 family members sue (Part 1 of 5)




The Bible says: Genesis 1:1 | Jesus said: Matthew 18:6

Cover photo: Vote for Election Integrity. Watch Dominion voting machines live stream. -Adobe Photo Stock 


San Diego Padres honor our POW's and MIA's. 


Gas prices, April 2020


 Gas prices, April 2022


Vol. X, Issue 10 | May 15 - 31 (archive)


  • Sheepdog Church Security: Responder's Risk: How to reduce use-of-force liabilities (lawsuits, bad press)
  • Samaritan's Purse: Podcast: Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William Boykin found his identity in Christ
  • American Family News: Punished by YouTube time-outs for 'misinformation,' American Family Radio to launch live stream platform
  • Focus on the Family: Talking to kids about mass school shootings
  • Intercessors for America: Praying for Uvalde, Texas ... and beyond
  • Decision: Crisis-trained chaplains respond to Texas mass shooting
  • RedState: There is something we can do [to better protect schools]
  • Calvary Chapel Magazine: Russian Calvary Chapels aid Ukrainian refugees
  • Christian Post: Should Mickey Mouse be in your house? -Jack Hibbs
  • Wall Street Journal: 'Hillary Clinton Did It -- Her 2016 campaign manager says she approved a plan to plant a false Russia claim with a reporter'
  • Archdiocese of San Francisco: Letter to the faithful on the Notification sent to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, May 20, 2022/Archbishop
  • Decision: Oklahoma passes sweeping pro-life bill, White House responds
  • Daily Wire: Texas Supreme Court rules child gender transitions can be investigated as child abuse cases
  • JackHibbsPodcast: Interview with Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco
  • Stream: '2000 Mules' -- How then shall we apply 'thou shalt not steal' to the 2020 election? 
  • Alliance Defending Freedom: Court halts two Biden Admin mandates that force religious employers/insurance to cover gender-ID treatments
  • Assyrian International News Agency: Persecuted Christians struggle to practice their faith in Iran
  • ACU Cultural Research Center: 62% of American pastors lack biblical worldview
  • Evangelical Focus: Nearly 26 million Americans decreased or stopped interacting with the Bible
  • MelissaMelendez/YouTube: Sen. Melissa Melendez (R) speaking for the opposition to SB 866 -- 'Teens Choose Vaccines Act'
  • California Family: SB 866, allowing 12+ year olds to make vaccination decisions without parental consent, passes Senate 
  • JackHibbs/YouTube: Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills speaks in opposition to AB 2223 in Sacramento
  • California Family: Two Calif. Christian universities named in LGBT class action lawsuit v. Department of Education
  • Cornell Law School: Obstruction of Justice §1507: Picketing or parading: 'Whoever with the intent of influencing any judge ... near a residence ...'
  • The Matter of Life: A film that clarifies the most contentious issue of our day
  • A 25-year old Christian female student murdered in Nigeria by rock throwing classmates amid shouts of  'Allahu Akbar' 



Photo: Greg Laurie crusade @ SoCal Harvest, Anaheim Stadium,

Sunday, August 25, 2019. -Photo InterChurch News


The Bible says: Acts 6:7 | Jesus said: John 15:7-8

Cover photo: Joy in Heaven: '... there is more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents ...' -Luke 15:7 -Adobe Stock Photo

Photo (above): 'Never Forget -- End 22.' A Memorial Day veteran's display off Hwy 78 in east Escondido. 'Twenty-two' is an estimated number of American veterans who die each day by suicide. End 22 is a 501(c)3 nonprofit project helping veterans in transition to civilian life. -Photo InterChurch News



Honk if you agree ...

Chauncey 'Slim' Killens of CVS Project holds street protest

at Margarita Middle School, Temecula, Week of April 25 - 29



The Month of May:

Mental Health Awareness Month

- Display at Ronald H. Roberts

Temecula Public Library.  


-Photos InterChurch News



The San Diego Padres honor law enforcement

at PetCo Park, Tuesday, May 24, as seen during

the moment of silence (L) for the victims of the mass

school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. 

-Photos InterChurch News



Vol. X, Issue 9 | May 1 - 14 (archive)


  • Stream: '2000 Mules,' the 2020 Election-Integrity documentary, reports cell phone tracking of mules to ballot boxes in 6 key states -Mike Huckabee
  • Daily Signal: Defeated Democrat national abortion bill changed word 'woman' to 'person'
  • OpenTheBooks: Fauci, Collins reportedly received royalty payments hidden by NIH
  • Atlantic: How politics poisoned the Evangelical church (opinon)
  • Stream: Movie review: '2000 Mules' (Mike Huckabee)
  • Intercessors for Amercia: Pastors, Do Not Stay Silent on LGBTQ+
  • Daily Wire: Top PR firm tells clients like Coca-Cola to stay out of Roe v. Wade fight
  • Mass Resistance: Idaho legislature cuts $4M from state library funding in fight over obscene children's books
  • Decision: 5 ways to counter progressive Christianity
  • National Association of Evangelicals: Supreme Court leak signals win
  • Politico: Supreme Court has voted to overturn Roe v. Wade a first draft leak shows



Presidential Election Night, November 3, 2020. -Screenshot/ABC News


Local Views



Mask On. -Photo InterChurch News

+ + +

The Bible says: Exodus 20:12-14 | Jesus said: Matthew 19:14

Cover photo: Election Integrity: The Evangelical Vote in November. -Adobe Stock Photo

Vol. X, Issue 8 | April 15 - 30



Menifee's Heritage Church cross faces Double Butte Mountain.

-Photo InterChurch News


SoCal Views



Easter Sunrise Service at Revival Christian Fellowship attracts hundreds of people at 6 a.m. -- hot coffee provided. Forty-two persons made public commitments to Jesus Christ in three Sunday morning services, said executive pastor John Miller at the mid-week service.

-Photo InterChurch News





Heritage Church puts 32 acres on the market; $1.795M. Located at 27985 Menifee Road. 

-Photos InterChurch News


The Bible says: Isaiah 53:12 | Jesus said: John 18:36

Photo (L): John 3:16 -- Perhaps no greater words written on earth. -Adobe Stock Photo

Vol. X, Issue 7 | April 1 - 14 (archive) 

  • Intercessors for America: Fighting Government Goliaths -- Pray with others today (Live webcast 4.12.22, 12:15 p.m. ET)
  • Decision: Franklin Graham calls for 10-day Easter ceasefire in Ukraine
  • Judicial Watch: Historic court victory: California's corporate board quotas ruled unconstitutional
  • Press Enterprise: Riverside bookstore holds Drag Queen Story Time despite opposition
  • California Family: Assembly Judiciary Committee to vote on infanticide bill
  • Samaritan's Purse: For Such A Time as This: Ukriane
  • Focus on the Family: Tips for choosing a foster care or adoption agency


-Adobe Stock Photo


SoCal Views

San Diego


Ukraine support, South Park

-Photo InterChurch News




Biden: 'That's all me, I did that' gas stickers in Menifee.

-Photo InterChurch News




Dick's Sporting Goods hosts Grand Opening Saturday, April 2 of their new store location in Temecula Mall at former Sears building. Free gift cards were available for first 100 visitors. Dick's Sporting Goods in Murrieta has closed. 

-Photo InterChurch News




U-Turn For Christ Thrift Shop, Romoland, Easter Week 2022. 

-Photo InterChurch News



Photo: Double Butte Mountain under rain clouds; Menifee, California. -Photo InterChurch News

Vol. X, Issue #6 | March 15 - 31 (archive)

  • RealClear Investigations: In Depth: US Supreme Court Justice nominee Judge Jackson's soft spot for drug dealers, pedophiles and terrorists
  • Frontline News: Over-60s under attack (baby boomers deemed 'unsustainable')
  • California Family: AB-1840 proposes additional 'underrepresented communities' quota for corporate boards -- 'Evangelical Christians' not in list
  • Roys Report: Vineyard 'mother church' in Anaheim breaks away from denomination
  • Daily Wire: Biden says food shortages 'going to be real' 
  • Charlotte Lozier Institute: Science to Judge Jackson: Unborn children do feel pain
  • Charisma Magazine: Russian tank reportedly shells apartment building killing adopted daughter of Ukrainian pastor
  • National Review: Democrat-run media suppressed pre-election Hunter Biden laptop story, ran Trump 'traitor,' 'illegitimate president' story for years
  • American Family News: Public reminded of 'Big Guy' laptop emails because son reportedly in big trouble
  • Stream: World 'Down Syndrome Day' --- A Celebration of Life
  • Mercy Projects: Christians in Ukraine could be sent to camps, killed
  • ASSIST News: Christian missionary abducted by Russians in Ukraine
  • Daily Wire: XY transgender athlete Lia Thomas defeats XX swimmers in NCAA Championships -- not without protests (video)
  • Decision: Indiana parents protest LGBT-hosted sex-ed camp for kids
  • Gatestone Institute: Why did Putin invade Ukraine?
  • CBN News: Kansas teacher suspended for refusing to use transgender pronouns for student's new gender identity sues school district
  • Christian Post: Christian ministries serving as 'God's distribution system' Russia's war in Ukraine
  • Samaritan's Purse: Emergency field hospital open in Ukraine
  • CA Family Council: Teen girl commits suicide after school, courts and doctors push her into transgenderism


Cross at Linfield Christian School.

-Photo InterChurch News


Local News

Biden: I Did That 

Regular gasoline at this Menifee AM/PM Arco station is $6.259 per gallon. 

-Photo InterChurch News


Storm Stadium March 19

Linfield Lions: 8 -- Lakeside Lancers: 3


Photo: Matt Kezkalah (#10) of Linfield Christian High School hits a double and RBI for the Lions.

-Photos InterChurch News


Festival @ Linfield



Photos: The Linfield Christian Elementary School Orchestra (above) performs Hunters Choice and Rustic Dance for their annual Festival under the conduction of Band and Orchestra Director Angie Knechtel. Judging the performances were Dr. Ken Foerch (bottom, L) from Vanguard University and Len Montgomery (bottom, R) from Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa High School. Dr. Foerch (R) provides tips to the orchestra after judging. The Orchestra received 'Excellent' scoring for their performances. 

-Photos InterChurch News


The Bible says: Psalm 119:93 | Jesus said: John 15:7-8

+ + +

Vol. X, Issue #5 | March 1 - 14 (archive)

  • Decision: Parental rights movement? Georgia introduces bill to protect primary school kids from gender identity, sexual orientation materials
  • Baptist Press: 'State of emergency' is new normal at Ukraine Baptist seminary
  • Samaritan's Purse: Former Vice President Mike Pence and wife meet with relief team in Ukraine (video)
  • Stream: Russia is Mordor -- but the West is Sodom
  • Daily Wire: Psaki: Not teaching gender ID to 5-year olds is 'a form of bullying'
  • Mass Resistance:Transgender man elected president of Escondido's California Republican women's group resigns after protests
  • CA Family Council: Oakland school subverts parents with 'transition closet'
  • Pravda: Ukraine's flagship sunk to avoid capture by Russian troops
  • Mother Jones: America's Frontline Doctors spokesperson Dr. Simone Gold pleads guilty after Jan. 6 Capitol election integrity protest arrest
  • WSJ: Court forbids Texas from pursuing child abuse in transgender case




Fire above City of Lake Elsinore, March 2, 2022

-Photo InterChurch News


Memorial Service for Riverside County Sheriff

Correctional Lieutenant Steve Taylor



Funeral procession, memorial service held March 4 at The Grove Community Church for the Line of Duty Death of Correctional Lieutenant Steve Taylor. Lt. Taylor died February 24th due to complications from COVID-19; he was 51. He began his career with the Riverside County Sheriff's Department June, 8, 1995 and was assigned to the Indio Jail. He served in the Sheriff's Department for nearly three decades. Lt. Taylor is survived by his wife, stepdaughter, mother, sister and brother. -Photos courtesy of Riverside County Sheriff's Department; article compiled from Sheriff's Dept., Governor's office press releases.



The Bible says: Job 13:15 | Jesus said: Matthew 24:36-37


Vol. X, Issue #4 | February 15 - 28 (archive)

  • Open Doors: Five ways to pray for Christians in Ukraine and Russia
  • Stream: Nightbirde, America's Got Talent star and Christian, dies at 31
  • UnHerd: Who is evil? Is Putin's motivation to invade Ukraine rooted in religion?
  • Decision: Ukrainian citizens flee as Russian troops advance on major cities
  • Christian Post: Let's pray for Ukraine -- and Russia
  • People's Convoy: American truckers launch California-D.C. convoy to protest US Declaration of National Emergency Act continuance
  • Ballotpedia: SF parent-voters recall school board over COVID-19 restrictions, renaming buildings
  • Mass Resistance: Case stalls for conservative Montana pastor, publisher -- sued for libel by transgender lobbyist -- as he files bankruptcy
  • California Family Council: Judge ends father's parental rights for objecting to gender transitioning
  • CBC: No bail decision yet for Tamara Lich, Canadian 'Freedom Convoy' vaccine mandate protest organizer
  • Daily Wire: US governors, Canadian Premiers call on Biden-Trudeau to drop cross-border vaccine mandates for truckers
  • Christian Post: Fasting -- 'I love what comes from the investment'
  • Epoch Times: FOIA emails confirm Great Barrington Declaration, authors targeted by (then NIH Director) Collins and Fauci
  • Stream/Huckabee: Russiagate Special Counsel Durham filing: Trump Tower, White House internet servers mined for political opposition data
  • U.S. State Dept: Genocide, crimes against humanity by Beijing determined in Xinjiang Province against Uyghur Muslims, other minorities; press release January 19, 2021
  • AP: New Zealand tries old earworm hits to flush out vaccine mandate protesters



The Bible says: Ecclesiastes 8:11 | Jesus said: Matthew 18:12

Cover photo: Standing Up To Genocides. A courageous Kurd in 2014 protests Islamic State terrorists committing acts of genocide and crimes against humanity to Yazidis, Assyrian Christians and Shia Muslims. -Photo © by Reuters News & Media


Honk for Freedom:

Canadian, California-to-DC 'Freedom Convoy' trucker supporters

above I-95, Tustin, California.

-Photo Chasya Sloane for InterChurch News



Masks Optional

(Not optional for Unvaccinated, COVID-19 Recoveries)

Ronald H. Roberts Temecula Public Library (countywide rule)


Vol. X, Issue #3 | February 1 - 14 (archive)

  • CBS: SoCal father of 17-year old daughter who died of COVID-19 complications warns parents (video)
  • California Family: 120 California school district officials: 'The Governor's proposed vaccination mandate removes choice ... forcing individuals to submit ...' 
  • R.W. Malone, M.D.: Open Letter to Canadian Truckers --- 'These genetic vaccines can damage your children'
  • Daily Wire: Ontario, Canada Premier declares state of emergency over 'siege of Ottawa,' calls trucker vaccine-mandate protest 'illegal occupation'
  • CBN: Franklin Graham calls Ottawa truckers 'Modern day ... Paul Revere' 
  • Defender: Appeals Court upholds freeze on federal worker vaccine mandate
  • Samaritan's Purse: Afghan refugee church partnership program (video)
  • Center Square: OneAmerica life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64
  • China Christian Daily: A rural pastor's financial struggle
  • Focus on the Family: 'The Billy Graham Rule' and opposite-sex friendships
  • Christian Post: Biden speaks at 70th National Prayer Breakfast in U.S. Capitol: 'The issue for us is unity'
  • Wall Street Journal: IS leader killed himself, family during U.S. raid in Syria



The Bible says: Isaiah 59:14-15 | Jesus said: John 6:40

Cover photo: Is the first generation internet user in the last days? -Adobe Stock photo

Vol. X, Issue #2 | January 15 - 31 (archive)

  • Axios: America's kids get an internet librarian
  • MRC NewsBusters: NewsGuard and its 'trained journalists' partners with American Federation of Teachers to provide 'misinformation' news filter to K-12 students
  • PragerU: Can You Trust The New York Times? (5-minute video)
  • Decision: Finnish politician faces prison in 'ethnic agitation' case for expressing her biblical marriage-sexuality belief in tweet, pamphlet, radio interview
  • American Family News: YouTube censors '... no such thing as transgender ... you're either XX or XY' statement as hate speech from Pastor John MacArthur
  • ACLJ: Supreme Court denies pro-abortion activists again on TX heartbeat law
  • Christian Post: Most young adults support heartbeat abortion ban
  • Stream: Pro-life signs from Wash. D.C.'s March for Life
  • Maranatha Chapel: Memorial for Pastor Ray Bentley @ 1/21 1 p.m. (livestream)
  • Baptist Press: 'Living inside the cage:' Afghanistan #1 on Open Doors Christian persecution list
  • Toronto Public Library: Final public address of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., includes 'If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?' (text/video)
  • Family Research Council: Competition swimmers, parents rally to resist trans challengers in swim sports
  • Daily Wire: New Canadian 'C-4' law threatens to criminalize biblical teaching on sexuality
  • Focus on the Family: The Best Chores for Teenagers



The Bible says: Colossians 3:11 | Jesus said: John 17:3-4

Cover photo, inset: Honoring the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. -Adobe Stock photo

Vol. X, Issue #1 | January 1 - 14 (archive)



The Bible says: Proverbs 21:21 | Jesus said: Matthew 18:12

Photo (L): 'Cast the net on the right side ...' -Adobe Stock photo

InterChurch News = an International Outreach

Established 2013 in southwestern Riverside County, California, the InterChurch News site includes unique visitors from over 120 nations including Afghanistan, Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaidjan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbardos, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Columbia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyrus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Ethiopia, Faroe Islands, Fiji, Finland, Former Czechoslovakia, France, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Great Britain, Greece, Guatemala, Guinea, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Laos, Lativia, Lebanon, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macendonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russian Federation, Saint Vincent & Grenadines, Samoa Islands, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States, Uruguay, Vatican City State, Venezuela, Vietnam, Virgin Islands and Zimbabwe.