InterChurch News

'A truthful witness saves lives' -Proverbs 14:25

An Evangelical Publication / Member: CNPA - Digital News Media

March 2025 / Est. 2013


... but Jesus said: 

'Let the little children come to me

and do not hinder them,

for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.'

-Matthew 19:14

News & Notable: Local


in Southern California

Photos: Shops and eateries in Big Bear town plaza (above, L); Legoland snow fun (L); sightseeing Idyllwild's Christmas displays (R). 

-File photos InterChurch News

News & Notable 2021

Vol. IX, Issue #: 1, 23, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

Vol. IX, Issue 24 | December 15 - 31

  • Outreach Magazine: Sola Scriptura
  • Stream: Why did over two hundred highly-trained athletes die this year?
  • CDC: COVID-19 recommended isolation time reduced from ten days to five
  • Daily Wire: CBS journalist-mom Jan Crawford rips COVID policies impact on teens as 'greatest  underreported story of the past year' (video)
  • American Family News: Jobless for refusing Jab? Sounds like Jim Crow
  • Stars and Stripes: The Western Front 1914 Christmas Day truce 
  • Focus on the Family: Take this 'spiritual gifts' test with your family
  • Daily Signal: Taking a cue from China? Facebook censors Chinese whistleblower on COVID's origins
  • Pulse of NH: Publisher blasts media blackout of RFK Jr.'s bestseller 'The Real Anthony Fauci' (audio)
  • American Report: Catholic Archbishop says 'for two years now, a global coup has been carried out'
  • Stream: How dare we support the chemical castration of children?
  • Christian Post: The 12 remaining missionary hostages escaped from Haiti captors
  • Decision Magazine: NY Christian wedding photographer to appeal federal court dismissal in religious liberty case
  • Focus on the Family: What Christmas means for vulnerable children
  • American Principles Project: Twitter suspends APP director opposing chemical castration of kids experiencing gender dysphoria
  • Open Doors: Meet your persecuted family in Egypt (video)
  • Samaritan's Purse: Afghan translator joins others on path towards healing
  • ASSIST News: Kurt Warner bio 'American Underdog' film review, limited theater release Dec. 17, 18 & 25
  • CBN News: US Christians help rebuild Raqqa church
  • Baptist Press: Haiti gang releases remaining 12 missionary hostages

The Bible says: Colossians 1:13-14 | Jesus said: Matthew 19:14

Photos: Nativity Scene (L), display at Temecula's Duck Pond; Snow in Big Bear (above), view from Temecula. -Photos InterChurch News


Long Christmas shopping lines, face masks @ REI sports store, San Diego.


Stressed over December 25th?

Fun fact: celebrating Christmas is a wonderful tradition, but is not a biblical requirement:


'One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.

The one who observes the day, observes it in honor of the Lord ... while the one who abstains, abstains in honor of the Lord and gives thanks to God ...

the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

-Romans 14:5ff


Vol. IX, Issue 23 | December 1 - 14

  • Decision Magazine: Ministry teams deployed to tornado-ravaged states
  • Daily Wire: Five Navy Seals run for US Congress; speak out for citizens, allies left behind in Afghanistan
  • Christian Headlines: Plumber awarded $20k who found 500 offering envelopes with cash, checks in Lakewood Church bathroom wall
  • Federalist: Zuckerbucks 101 -- why the last election was unacceptable
  • Imprimis: Is ensuring election integrity anti-democratic?
  • Samaritan's Purse: Volunteer list forming to bring aid to tornado victims
  • Charisma Magazine: One woman's step of faith into Haiti
  • LiveAction: U.S. Supreme court leaves Texas 'Heartbeat Act' in effect, gives abortionists license to sue
  • Christian Post: Liquid Church packs 800,000 meals for needy in Haiti
  • Focus on the Family: Fun and faith activities to celebrate Christmas
  • RealClear Investigations: Russiagate, America's greatest scandal
  • Article18: Iran's supreme court rules in favor of house churches
  • Samartian's Purse: Afghan resettlement program opportunity for churches
  • CBN: Europeans opting for vaccine passport microchips embedded in hands
  • Focus on the Family: How to recognize signs of childhood trauma
  • Decision: Oral arguments, Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization



The Bible says: Romans 3:22-24 | Jesus said: Luke 10:16

Photo Essay: Menifee In View. Menifee (L) is a rapidly growing conservative southwestern Riverside County city that retains its farming and open air heritage as new opportunities for community development increases. -Photos InterChurch News



Recent Christmas concerts (above) at Revival Christian Fellowship

Wednesday night Bible studies, Menifee.

-Screenshot photos InterChurch News



'We Three Spies,' was 'a classified Christmas adventure'

presented by Linfield Elementary School,

performed at Sunridge Community Church,

42299 Winchester Road, December 6th and 7th. 

-Photo InterChurch News



December 7: 80th Anniversary of the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, 1941

In honor of the late Arnold E. (Red) Phipps (above, L, and with wife Grace, above, R) while stationed at Naval Air Station, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.) Other stations of duty included Lakehurst, New Jersey; San Diego, California and Pensacola, Florida.

Chief Petty Officer, U.S. Navy (career),  parachute rigger,

Pearl Harbor Survivor,

Navy and Marine Corps Medal recipient for heroic conduct on 9 June 1944.

His remark of the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor that Sunday morning: 'It was hell.' 



'Wake up' call in Temecula, California. 

-Photo InterChurch News


Vol. IX, Issue 22 | November 15 - 30

  • Christian Post: Va. school district reinstates 2 LGBT pedophilia-content books
  • Abigail Shrier: Calif. Teacher Association conference audio reveals brainstorming to recruit 6th graders into LGBT secret clubs
  • Mass Resistance: Wyo. County Commission bans all public comment at meetings to silence parents critical of its library porn books for children
  • California Family: Under Newsom, Calif. abortions could increase 3000%
  • Decision Magazine: Christian college challenges Biden's HUD directive for schools to permit males identifying as females to shower with females
  • Samaritan's Purse: Disaster response team serves Afghan evacuees
  • WSJ: U.S. COVID-19 deaths in 2021 surpass 2020
  • Christian Post: Texas ministry builds tiny homes to provide free temporary housing for medical patients
  • CBS: Baltimore church employee-grandmother murdered in church
  • Open Doors: What this Iraqi Christian IS survivor wants you to know
  • Focus on the Family: Thanksgiving activities for families
  • Reasons to Believe: C. S. Lewis 'Most Reluctant Convert' movie review
  • Stars and Stripes: U.S. urged to help 'tens of thousands' evacuate Afghanistan
  • CBS: Info Wars' Alex Jones fails to produce docs for Sandy Hook case
  • California Family: A winning LAUSD football season ends due to team vaccination status

The Bible says: Matthew 19:14 | Jesus said: Matthew 12:36-37

Photo Essay: Fugitive Dust. A tractor kicks up a massive fugitive dust cloud near schools and family communities in Romoland, Menifee. -Photos InterChurch News

Vol. IX, Issue 21 | November 1 - 14 (archive)

  • Daily Wire: I'm a Calif. teacher about to be fired because of vaccine mandate -- here's how I'm fighting back
  • USA Today: Doctors opine 'children are not at significant risk of poor outcomes from COVID-19' (Mar. '21)
  • CISA: Election Security Rumors vs. Reality
  • Dominion Voting: 'Legal updates ... how we are defending Dominion'
  • Calif. SOS: 40 Calif. counties use Dominion Voting Systems
  • Smartmatic: Smartmatic voter machines -- exclusively used in L.A. County for 2020 presidential election -- sues Newsmax, OANN for defamation
  • Washington Examiner: Arizona Christian U. study finds 48% of Millennials prefer socialism over capitalism; one in three identifies as LGBT
  • Christian Post: Atlanta Braves shortstop after World Series win: 'I wouldn't be here without Him'
  • Baptist News: Georgetown College president fired over sexual assault allegations
  • Daily Wire: News group files lawsuit challenging Biden's vaccine mandate
  • Open Doors: What's really happening to Christians in Afghanistan?
  • Christian Post: Va. megachurch pastor arrested in sting for 'felony solicitation of prostitution' involving a minor 
  • Decision: A pro-life win in California



The Bible says: 2 Peter 1:11 | Jesus said: John 15:22-23 

Photo Essay: Cross Witnesses Along I-215, Menifee. -Photo InterChurch News



Statewide protests against Gov. Newsom's COVID-19 vaccine mandate

for school children, Monday, November 15.


Vol. IX, Issue 20 | October 15 - 31 (archive)

  • Pacific Justice Institute: 12 practical ways for civic stewardship
  • City Journal: AT&T's employee racial reeducation program states 'White supremacy [is] baked into our country's foundation'
  • FOX News: Fed money flowed to university tissue bank that collected fetal 'heart, gonads, legs, brains'
  • Engage Together: How churches can prevent human trafficking
  • Pacific Justice Institute: A COVID-19 vaccine K-12 religious accomodation letter
  • Focus on the Family: A godly perspective on End-of-Life decisions, Pt. 1
  • Bound4Life: The 'Life Tape' pro-life movement -- pray, vote, obey
  • Christian Aid Ministries: 'Please pray with us' for 17 missionary workers in Haiti held for ransom
  • Hindu priest calls for beheading evangelistic Christians in India
  • Christian Post: Apple complies with China's effort to censure freedom of religion, speech
  • California Globe Iconic SF Target to close, loses $25K per day to shoplifting policy
  • Stars and Stripes: VA to hire and train 2,000 new claims processors due to expected surge, backlog
  • Daily Wire: SF Public Health shuts down lobby of Fisherman's Wharf In-N-Out for not enforcing City vaccine mandate, In-N-Out responds
  • American Family Association: In defense of North Carolina's Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson 
  • Samaritan's Purse: Volunteers needed in aftermath of N. Calif. Caldor Fire
  • Christian Post: 17 missionaries kidnapped in Haiti
  • ABC-7: Calif. statewide school walkout Oct. 18 as parents, teachers protest against Newsom vaccine mandate 
  • Decision: N.C. Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson unapologetic for rebuking LGBT indoctrination 'filth' in America's public schools
  • Christian Post: 'I have to lie' says Canadian pastor Artur Pawlowski as a condition of release from jail
  • Sheepdog Church Security: Color coding security to protect your church


The Bible says: 1 John 2:2 | Jesus said: Acts 1:7-8

Photo Essay: Fisherman's Wharf, Monterey. -File photos InterChurch News 


-- Temecula locations --

Vol. IX, Issue 19 | October 1 - 14 (archive)

-Corbis Images stock photo


The Bible says: Jeremiah 40:4 | Jesus said: John 18:36

Photo Essay: California Landscapes II: Sheep at Water Truck, Menifee (L). -Photo InterChurch News

Vol. IX, Issue 18 | September 15 - 30 (archive)

-Adobe Stock photo


The Bible says: Isaiah 65:17 | Jesus said: John 14:1-3

Photo essay: California Landscapes: Joshua Tree National Park (L). -File photo InterChurch News


Local Christian School Sports Report / prayer request: Temecula's Linfield Christian School Lions Varisity QB Jonathan Aguilera was injured in the September 17 Friday night home game agains the Norte Vista Braves. The Lions had recovered a Braves punt return fumble near the goal line.

Working to overcome a 0-30 deficit in the third quarter drive, Aguilera was tackled in the backfield and remained mostly motionless until he raised both arms up from a gurney toward the Linfield sideline as he was to be transported to a local hospital. The Lions went on to score. Final: 7-50 Norte Vista. -Photo InterChurch News

Update Sept. 21: Linfield Christian School sources say Aguilera was released from the hospital and is recovering from a pinched nerve. He reportedly thanked people for their prayers on social media.


Local Christian School Sports Highlight Report: Linfield Christian School Men's Varsity Cross Country Team (above) placed 2nd overall in the three mile Ambassador League event (above, middle)) held September 21 at Linfield Christian. The first meet of the Small Schools Southern Division was hosted by Woodcrest Christian School. Linfield's Women's Varsity Team took 1st place overall in their three mile race. See participating school results here.


Vol. IX, Issue 17 | September 1 - 14 (archive)

The Bible says: Psalms 7:11 | Jesus said: Luke 20:25

Photo Essay: Recall Newsom. California Governor Gavin Newsom is facing recall (L) September 14th for the state's COVID-19 lockdown policies -- including closing or limiting church worship services initially from the '15 days to flatten the curve' -- yet morphing into a year of restrictions seemingly with an unwritten goal to 'eradicate the virus.' -File photo InterChurch News


Vol. IX, Issue 16 | August 15 - 31 (archive)

The Bible says: Genesis 1:24-25 | Jesus said: Luke 7:47-48

Photo Essay: Safari Park -- 'All Creatures Great and Small ...' -Photos InterChurch News

Vol. IX, Issue 15 | August 1 - 14 (archive)


The Bible says: Proverbs 4:27 | Jesus said: Acts 1:8

Photo essay: Salvation Mountain, Salton Sea. -File photos / InterChurch News


Support Mike Lindell as he defends America's voters.


Vol. IX, Issue 14 | July 14 - 31 (archive)



The Bible says: Matthew 7:7 | Jesus said: John 15:7-8

Photo essay: Solvang, California. -Photos InterChurch News



381 Cannery Row, Monterey, California 93940



A Selected History of Twitter Censoring

InterChurch News

from the Marketplace of Ideas

In 2020, Twitter censored a reasonable observational tweet from InterChurch News, yet continued to oblige a Shaun King tweet inciting Black Lives Matter supporters to commit hate crimes and tear down statues of Jesus -- associated with church properties -- which according to King, are a form of white supremacy:

Twitter censored 'Mueller Report' conclusion favorable to Trump ... 


Tweeting texts favorable to president Trump in the 'Mueller Report' were also censored prior to election:




Mueller Report



The book excerpts tweeted were attributed facts from the 'Mueller Report' -- fair and favorable to president Trump prior to the 2020 election. 




When Twitter users put words 'election fraud' together, Twitter censored. Yet, for four years, Twitter was the platform for false accusations against president Trump and his 2016 win fueling the Mueller investigation and two lynch mob-like House-only impeachments.


Stop the Steal



Legal Standing


When the US Supreme Court said Texas lacked 'legal standing' in its General Election lawsuit, InterChurch News slipped in under the Twitter censorship wire:



Photo: Temecula Public Library with 'legal standing' voters on November 3, 2020.


Baseless rants, destroy statues of Jesus

Twitter, allowed on their platform hateful, baseless claims -- especially harmful to impressionable children -- about president Trump for over four years.

Here are some sample pre-election tweets by actor-director Rob Reiner:  

Rob Reiner's tweets were constant, many were rantings and filled with cursings not reprintable here:



'Racist Sociopath' 



Twitter allowed Reiner to tweet Trump-MAGA supporters were a 'White Supremacist Cult:'


InterChurch News canceled our account with Twitter. Removing president Trump's account and many other conservative voices who questioned election integrity and other issues -- yet retaining voices like Rob Reiner and Shaun King -- was too much of a double standard:


'Tear them down'



Vol. IX, Issue 13 | July 1 - 14 (archive)


The Bible says: Luke 9:18-20 | Jesus said: Luke 8:15

Photo essay: California Natives -- Vine Hill Manzanita (L). -Photo InterChurch News



Stand with Jack -- buy his book!

Alliance Defending Freedom:

'Enough is Enough'


Vol IX, Issue 12 | June 15 - 30 

The Bible says: 2 Corinthians 10:4 | Jesus said: John 15:23

Photos: Heat Wave Advisory. Joshua Tree National Park (L) is expected a heat range of 110 - 120 degrees between June 14 - 18. La Jolla Cove area (above, R) offers a cooler retreat from summer heat. -Photos InterChurch News

Vol. IX, Issue 11 | June 1 - 14 (archive)

The Bible says: Proverbs 8:13 | Jesus said: John 12:36

Cover photos: Illegal Cannabis Billboard Ads? The City of Perris Code Enforcement is permitting cannabis advertising along the I-215 freeway corridor that appears to be 'attractive to children' or absent business license nunbers -- violations of California cannabis advertising law. -Photos InterChurch News


Children on summer field trip to Morely Field Sports Park, San Diego. 

Vol. IX, Issue 10 | May 14 - 31`(archive)

The Bible says: Psalms 16:11 | Jesus said: Luke 24:39 

Photos (above): A 2nd COVID-19 Spring, San Diego. A hummingbird draws nectar from a bottlebrush tree; the trail above La Jolla Cove's sea caves. -Photos InterChurch News


Fences are Relatives: 'Border Woke' (above) in South Park, San Diego.

Menifee: Car crash (above) at McCall Blvd. and Antelope, Monday, May 24.


Vol. IX, Issue 9 | May 1 - 14 (archive)

The Bible says: Proverbs 28:27 | Jesus said: Matthew 5:3-12

Photo Essay (L): San Diego: City in Focus. A homeless man sleeps on Broadway Avenue sidewalk in the 80 degree heat of the Friday, April 30 afternoon. -Photo InterChurch News

Volume IX, Issue 8 | April 15 - 30 (archive)

The Bible says: I Thessalonians 5:20-23 | Jesus said: Mark 2:14

Cover Photo (L): Lockdown Collateral Damage. Downtown San Diego's waterfront Maritime Museum is now open. for business, but ships show signs of neglect since state lockdown. -Photo InterChurch News


Mike Lindell (above) founder and CEO of MyPillow, launched 'Frank' Monday, April 19, a media platform to counter censorship of conservatives from Twitter, Facebook and other media over 2020 Election fraud evidence or views. Special guests included retired General Mike Flynn (below), and Harvard professor and attorney Alan Dershowitz. MyPillow Inc. on April 19 filed a $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Dominion Voting Systems citing First Amendment rights violations. Dershowitz, a Democrat, is representing MyPillow.

-Screenshot photos InterChurch News


Deadly crash: On Thursday, April 22 in Temecula, a fiery crash occured on the southbound I-15 resulting in a death and a DUI arrest according to a Press Enterprise report.

-Photo InterChurch News 


Vol. IX, #7 | April 1 - 14 (archive)

The Bible says: John 17:3 | Jesus said: John 3:14-15

Cover photo (L): God Keeps His Promises. Rainbow as seen over eastern San Diego county from North Park after recent early morning rain. 'I will remember My covenant ... when the bow is in the cloud' (Genesis 9:15-16). -Photo InterChurch News


2021 Easter Sunrise Service

@ Revival Christian Fellowship

-Photos InterChurch News

Vol. IX, #6 | March 15 - 31 (archive)

The Bible says: Matthew 25:42 | Jesus said: Matthew 12:36-37

Cover photo (L): Cold Silence, 8:15 A.M., San Diego. 'Is this not the fast that I choose ... is it not to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house ...?' Isaiah 58:6-7 -Photo InterChurch News


A San Diego landmark is gone 

Former San Diego Jack Murphy Stadium's

last remaining tower ...

... was demolished Monday, March 22, 2021.

-Photos InterChurch News


Vol. IX, #5 | March 1 - 14 (archive)

The Bible says: Amos 3:6 | Jesus said: Matthew 24:11

Cover photo: Menifee Cross and Coleman BT200X Mini Bike. Retailing for less than $600, these rugged off-road mini bikes could prove useful to pastors and missionaries in third world countries. -Photo InterChurch News

Vol. IX, #4 | February 15 - 28 (archive)

The Bible says: Proverbs 16:3 | Jesus said: Matthew 6:28

Photo essay (above): Early Spring: A time to plant. -Photos InterChurch News


A Time to Worship

Photo essay (above): Linfield Christian High School students and staff participate in worship service during the week of Winter Mountain -- an annual event set aside as an opportunity for students to bond with the Christian focus of the school in Temecula. -Photo InterChurch News


A Stadium for All Seasons

San Diego Stadium, San Diego Jack Murphy Stadium, Qualcomm Stadium, then again finally San Diego Stadium ... hosted Padres baseball from spring to fall, summer and winter Chargers football ... and is now 

going, going ...  

Photo (above): The complete demolition of historic San Diego Stadium nears. -Photo InterChurch News

Vol. IX, #3 | February 1 - 14 (archive)


The Bible says: Proverbs 1:7 | Jesus said: Matthew 6:24

Cover Photo (L): For Many, Calif. HIgh School Sports, Scholarships Put on Hold. -File photo InterChurch News

Notwithstanding other issues, California Governor Gavin Newsom refuses to follow the science -- that of the strong CDC recommendation July 23, 2020 to safely reopen public schools -- vaccine or not.

-File photos InterChurch News

Vol. IX, #2 | January 15 - 31 (archive)

The Bible says: Romans 8:28 | Jesus said: Matthew 18:6

Cover photo (L): Jesus. Trump. America. Tractor trailer (L) seen heading north on I-215 in Menifee this week.  -Photo InterChurch News

These tourists caught up with the last Summit meeting in Santa Monica -- next stop for everyone is Disneyland!

Vol. IX, #1 | January 1 - 14 (archive)

The Bible says: Genesis 1:1 | Jesus said: Luke 22:28-30

Photo (L): 'Just the facts, Ma'am.' Hot air balloon appears to park in Perris Landing parking lot, yet was, in fact, stationed in adjacent field. -Photo InterChurch News

January 6th: Menifee Police response (below) at Evans-Brown Mortuary slowed northbound I-215 traffic. 

InterChurch News

Established 2013 in southwestern Riverside County, California, the InterChurch News site includes unique visitors from over 120 nations including Afghanistan, Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaidjan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbardos, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Columbia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyrus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Ethiopia, Faroe Islands, Fiji, Finland, Former Czechoslovakia, France, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Great Britain, Greece, Guatemala, Guinea, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Laos, Lativia, Lebanon, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macendonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russian Federation, Saint Vincent & Grenadines, Samoa Islands, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States, Uruguay, Vatican City State, Venezuela, Vietnam, Virgin Islands and Zimbabwe.