InterChurch News

'A truthful witness saves lives' -Proverbs 14:25

An Evangelical Publication / Member: CNPA - Digital News Media

March 2025 / Est. 2013


Jesus said: 

'It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.' 

-Acts 1:7-8


News & Notable: Local

-- Travel Log --

 Fisherman's Wharf Monterey.

-File photos InterChurch News

News & Notable 2021

Volume IX, Issue: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

Vol. IX, Issue 20 | October 15 - 31 

  • Pacific Justice Institute: 12 practical ways for civic stewardship
  • City Journal: AT&T's employee racial reeducation program states 'White supremacy [is] baked into our country's foundation'
  • FOX News: Fed money flowed to university tissue bank that collected fetal 'heart, gonads, legs, brains'
  • Engage Together: How churches can prevent human trafficking
  • Pacific Justice Institute: A COVID-19 vaccine K-12 religious accomodation letter
  • Focus on the Family: A godly perspective on End-of-Life decisions, Pt. 1
  • Bound4Life: The 'Life Tape' pro-life movement -- pray, vote, obey
  • Christian Aid Ministries: 'Please pray with us' for 17 missionary workers in Haiti held for ransom
  • Hindu priest calls for beheading evangelistic Christians in India
  • Christian Post: Apple complies with China's effort to censure freedom of religion, speech
  • California Globe Iconic SF Target to close, loses $25K per day to shoplifting policy
  • Stars and Stripes: VA to hire and train 2,000 new claims processors due to expected surge, backlog
  • Daily Wire: SF Public Health shuts down lobby of Fisherman's Wharf In-N-Out for not enforcing City vaccine mandate, In-N-Out responds
  • American Family Association: In defense of North Carolina's Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson 
  • Samaritan's Purse: Volunteers needed in aftermath of N. Calif. Caldor Fire
  • Christian Post: 17 missionaries kidnapped in Haiti
  • ABC-7: Calif. statewide school walkout Oct. 18 as parents, teachers protest against Newsom vaccine mandate 
  • Decision: N.C. Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson unapologetic for rebuking LGBT indoctrination 'filth' in America's public schools
  • Christian Post: 'I have to lie' says Canadian pastor Artur Pawlowski as a condition of release from jail
  • Sheepdog Church Security: Color coding security to protect your church


The Bible says: 1 John 2:2 | Jesus said: Acts 1:7-8

Photo Essay: Fisherman's Wharf, Monterey. -File photos InterChurch News 



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