InterChurch News 

'A truthful witness saves lives' -Proverbs 14:25

Member: California Newspaper Publishers Assoc. / Digital News  

October 2024 / Est. 2013

 Books, Film, Music Quick-Start

Photo (L): Heart's Desire Christian Bookstore, Lake Arrowhead. -InterChurch News

 In Focus  

Soviet Russia Playbook to Conquer US

'You are at war.'

Yuri Bezmenov (L), an ex-KGB officer, reveals Soviet Russia playbook to conquer America. See here interviews and read an archived copy of  his 1984 autobiography: 'Love Letter to America,' written under pen name Tomas Schuman (L)

-Screenshot photo InterChurch News

.   Sermon Index, Etc 

Photo (L): Pastor Chuck Smith (1927-2013), Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa.

       BooksFilmMusic Library


'Get wisdom, get insight ...' -Proverbs 4:5 / 'Buy truth, and do not sell it.' -Proverbs 23:23

'The words of wise men are like goads, and masters of these collections are like well-driven nails; they are given by one Shepherd ... 

Be warned: the writing of many books is endless, and excessive devotion to books is wearying to the body.

The conclusion, when all has been heard, is:

fear God and keep his commandments, because this applies to every person.' -Ecclesiastes 12:11-13


 Events, Noteworthy, Etc. 


September 2024

Comeback California Tour 

Pastor Jack Hibbs, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, speaks at Revival Christian Fellowship, September 21, 2024.

-Screenshot photo InterChurch News

"Join the strategic rally of Christians statewide,

committed to defending Biblical values within our communites."

Real Impact

RSVP Oct. 16th Chino Hills CC conference; archived conferences, election guides

Comeback California Tour / Real Life Network


August 2024


San Diego


June 2024


Justice for Jack: "After nearly 12 years in court, Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips

is still being sued. Support Jack as ADF defends him at the Colorado Supreme Court."

-Alliance Defending Freedom

Livestream Event, Tuesday, June 18, 2024 10:30 AM ET, 7:30 AM PT 

For more info, sign up -- click here

May 2024


Fundraiser for Inland Empire Family PAC, May 22:

For event, reservation information,

meet and greet opportunities, click here


"Unsung Hero" is an excellent faith-based and family-friendly movie -- highly recommended.

The film chronicles the challenges faced by the Christian-knit family of musical artists

Rebecca St. James, King & Country -- yes, they are from the same family!

See official trailers, showtimes here.


August 2023


[The USA?]

And the kings of the earth, who committed sexual immorality and lived in luxury

with her, will weep and wail over her when they see the smoke of her burning.

They will stand afar off, in fear of her torment, and say,

'Alas! Alas! You great city, you mighty city, Babylon!

For in a single hour your judgment has come.'

And the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn for her,

since no one buys their cargo anymore,

cargo of gold, silver, jewels, pearls, fine linen, purple cloth, silk, scarlet cloth,

all kinds of scented wood, all kinds of ivory,

all kinds of articles of costly wood, bronze, iron and marble, cinnamon, spice,

incense, myrrh, frankincense, wine, oil, fine flour, wheat, cattle and sheep, horses and chariots, 



. 'Sound of Freedom.' For more information, theater times near you, here.

'Because God's children aren't for sale.'



For more information on Free Burma Rangers ministry and

documentary (2020), see here

+ + +

May 2023



Book publication date: February 21, 2023. President Joe Biden's undeclared 'open border policy' translates to his dereliction of duty as thousands of undocumented, unaccompanied foreign children are at risk to the evils of human and drug trafficking. It has been estimated 85,000 migrant children released into the U.S. are unaccounted for -- under the Biden and vice-president Kamala Harris watch. Biden-Harris have encouraged the embedding of undetected terrorists and criminals into our towns and cities. While increasing homelessness here in the U.S. with the unvetted, unexamined and unvaccinated poor migrants pouring across the border -- Biden-Harris are putting documented, working American citizens at risk.

'OVERRUN provides the first full account of the worst mass immigration border crisis ever to strike the United States, how and why the administration of President Joe Biden unleashed it, how it has forever altered the nation, and what voters and all future leaders need to comprehend in order to finally end it.' -Amazon


March 2023


Calvary Chapel Romoland Revelation Series


'The Plot Against the President' -- a jaw dropping must-see documentary for every patriotic American family.

(official trailer and venues)

February 2023:

  • FilmJesus Revolution -- Based on the book of the same name providing insights to historical events from the lens of Greg Laurie's testimony. It focuses on a 1-1/2 year window of  'when nitro met glycerin' at Costa Mesa Calvary Chapel to spark a revival among the 60's generation.

"...  'Jesus Revolution' provides a much-needed jolt of hope." -Christian Post

In theaters February 24.

Jon Erwin on location for Jesus Revolution baptism scene:

'I've never felt a day like that'

-Movieguide 2/20/2023


See: Stories behind the film


Also notable

For more information on the life and ministry of Lonnie Frisbee,

view dedicated website that offers the three-part authorized biographical book series written by Roger Sachs. 

'Ministering with Lonnie was like being with Jesus.' --Kenn Gullicksen



November 2022:

  • Event: November 5 - 6:  SoCal Harvest 2022 w/Greg Laurie @ Angel Stadium. Special guests include Crowder, Newsboys, Andy Mineo (Saturday), Jeremy Camp, Phil Wickham (Sunday). Free event. Doors open 4:30 p.m., event starts at 6 p.m. Click here for more event information.

SoCal Harvest 2019. -File photo InterChurch News


October 2022:

  • 'The Jesus Revolution,' a movie based on the book of the same title authored by Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside (California), chronicles Laurie's conversion and early days of the Calvary Chapel Movement in Costa Mesa, California. The movie is scheduled for release February 2023 -- and it looks to be good. The official trailer is now available (click here).




September 2022:

  • Film Review: 'Superspreader' -- A Soul Moving Experience, by Keith Guinta. A review (read here) of the new documentary film by director Josh Franer focuses on Christian worship leader Sean Feucht, who defied the COVID-19 lockdowns of 2020-21 and performed praise and worship events in cities across America. A scene in the movie includes conversions and baptisms on the block where George Floyd died. Feucht's worship events were opposed by Rolling Stone, Black Lives Matter Inc., Antifa -- and some pastors.  In theaters now



'Though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear;

though war arise against me, yet I will be confident.' -Psalm 27:3


  • Book critical review/NPR: '2000 Mules' Publisher recalls '2000 Mules' election denial book. NPR got a copy.



InterChurch News -- FILM REVIEW: '[S]election Code,' (2022), directed by Matthew Thayer, produced by Mike Lindell, [S]election Code is an excellent election-integrity documentary focusing on the experience of Tina Peters, a Gold Star mom, cancer survivor and elected County Clerk in Mesa, Colorado.

According to the film, Peters made a backup of Mesa County's Dominion Voting Machine server in 2021 following a local election -- before the server was set to be updated -- and after Democrats unexpectantly swept their April 2021 city council race (especially concerning to Peters was a candidate announced victory 30 minutes before Peters knew). 

Since then, according to the film, her life has been upended. She was labeled a 'conspiracy theorist' promoting 'the Big Lie' by mainstream media and subsequently arrested. The film convincingly portrays Peters as a fair-minded, rational County Clerk outgunned while bravely attempting to protect election integrity.

[S]election Code presents a strong argument via a collection of film clips, on-record interviews and public comments over the years of the potential to manipulate electronic voting systems and proposes elections can be determined by one person -- the person who writes the code.

The trial between Dominion Voting Systems and Mike Lindell, My Pillow scheduled for April 2023 should be a gamechanging moment in American history.

The film runs 1:01:35. View film for free here.


-Screenshot, '[S[election Code.'


June 2022:

  • Book: 'Recovering Our Sanity -- How the Fear of God Conquers the Fears That Divide Us,' by Michael Horton. Published April 2022. Available
  • Film: 'Jesus Revolution,' is a Lionsgate movie in production based on the 2018 book 'Jesus Revolution,' an eyewitness account of the Jesus Movement era in Southern California authored by Greg Laurie and Ellen Vaughn. Here is link to film information-interest signups


Kenn Gullicksen: The Beginnings of the Vineyard


InterChurch News -- FILM REVIEW: Kenn Gullicksen: The Beginnings of the Vineyard (premiered December 10, 2021). Recorded for a Vineyard Christian Fellowship leadership conference and included in their Legacy video series, the Vineyard's founding pastor Kenn Gullicksen, 76, (above) delivers a prepared armchair presentation from California of his insights and experience in ministry.

Gullicksen emphasizes teaching line-by-line through the Bible and the strength of Vineyard beginnings was selecting and cultivating home Bible study leaders. He reflects on Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa's beginnings and baptisms, the first Vineyard fellowships in West L.A., and Sunday church sevices at Will Rogers Beach.

He recalls having 24 jobs prior to becoming an assistiant pastor at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. For example, Gullicksen served as an Air Force medic in Alaska after high school graduation -- and led people to the Lord on and off the base.

Gullicksen cites a Lutheran youth camp event featuring charismatic renewal movement leader Larry Christenson where Gullicksen and other high schoolers were baptised in the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. He considers that youth camp experience one of the most dynamic spiritual moments of his life.

The 58-minute narrative includes reflections on Joanie -- his wife of 52 years; Lonnie Frisbee, Chuck Smith, Chuck Girard, Pat and Debbie Boone, Al Kasha, Larry and Pam Norman, Bob Kardashian, Pepperdine University, Keith and Melody Green, the Green-Smalley plane crash tragedy, and Bob Dylan.

He saw Keith Green raise his hand to accept the Lord at a home Bible study, Bob Dylan attend discipleship classes for four months as a new believer ... Bob Kardashian saved via the Vineyard ministry.

Reading from 'Rock and Roll Preacher,' a memoir by Chuck Girard of Love Song, Gullicksen echos Girard's experience in the beginnings of the Vineyard Movement: inviting Gullicksen to Los Angeles to lead a Bible study in Girard's Sun Valley home, the Bible study expands into other homes of regular folks and celebrities, a Women's Club in the Valley -- the time Gullicksen called to share the name of the growing fellowship of believers -- Vineyard.

John Wimber, who became the Vineyard Movement's recognized leader based in Anaheim, is not mentioned in this narrative. His story is covered in other Legacy videos. A part II or III series in Gullicksen's life of service would be helpful.

Note: Gullicksen relocated from Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and founded the Vineyard -- and then he would move on. He went full circle. In 1998, Gullicksen returned to West L.A. as the founding pastor of Sojouners Church -- a Calvary Chapel. Chuck Girard at times led worship. However, citing health issues, Gullicksen delivered his last sermon as pastor of Sojourners Church on March 4, 2001. 

It is well worth an hour to sit and hear this page of Jesus Movement history from a soft-spoken man used by God to bring and encourage many souls into a genuine faith in Jesus Christ -- and be forever grateful. -June 7, 2022/YouTube Screenshots


May 2022: 

  • Event: Hearst Castle reopens daily at 9 a.m. for tours, ending a more than two year closure. Advance registration recommended. -Paso Robles Daily News, May 19, 2020. (Note: Newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst ordered his newspapers in 1949 to 'puff Graham' three weeks into Billy Graham's first Los Angeles Crusade. The rest is history.)
  • Book: 'Do This for Love-- Free Burma Rangers in the Battle of Mosul' by Dave Eubank with Hosannah Valentine. Putting faith into adrenalin, former army ranger Dave Eubanks leads an incredible missionary life. Published July 2020.
  • Film Review: 'The Matter of Life,' a timely documentary that delivers more than 100 minutes of arguments defining the personhood of preborn babies; discusses Planned Parenthood spins. Review by Focus on the Family; NR, in theaters May 16-17 ONLY.
  • Film Review: 'Family Camp,' Christian comedy. Review by Focus on the Family; Rated PG, opens in theaters May 13. 
  • Book: 'Take Two Aspirin and Call Me by My Pronouns -- Why Turning Doctors into Social Justice Warriors is Destroying American Medicine' by Stanley Goldfarb, MD. 
  • Film Review: 'See Dinesh D'Souza's New Documentary: 2000 Mules,' -- Mike Huckabee.
  • Film: Monday, May 2, Wednesday May 4 (select theaters), Saturday May 7 (virtual premier). '2000 Mules' a film by Dinesh D'Souza (Official Trailer-Theater Locations/Tickets). Claims to expose corruption (stuffing ballot boxes) utilizing video surveilance, cell phone tracking and whistleblower sources in the 2020 presidential election's six key states. For further 2020 election integrity information/links visit: US 2020 Election Fraud at a Glance.

April 2022: 

  • Film: 'The Mulligan -- A Parable of Second Chances' (Official Trailer). Bring to your church: available for signups to host now to May 18th.  


  • Event: Easter, April 17, 9 a.m. PST: Franklin Graham's Easter Message from Ukraine
  • Event: Easter Services: Revival Christian Fellowship, Menifee; outdoor sunrise service, 6 a.m., indoor services: 9:45 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. (livestream)
  • Event: Easter Services: Grove Community Church, Orangecrest; Saturday, April 16, 4 p.m. (Easter egg hunt following service); Sunday outdoor sunrise service, 7 a.m. (Easter egg hunt following service); indoor services 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. (livestream)
  • Event: Easter Services: Reliance Church, Temecula; outdoor sunrise service, 6 a.m.; indoor services: 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.
  • Event: Easter Services: Centerpoint Church, Murrieta; Saturday, April 16, 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.; Sunday indoor services: 8 a.m., 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. (livestream)


March 2022:


New Christian-Living books


  • Event: March 26: National Vietnam War Veterans Day 2022 Ceremony, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., Town Square Park, 11 Town Square, Murrieta. Please RSVP with Sandie Foreman so that a certificate can be made for each Vietnam Veteran 951.663-0143 or
  • Film: March 14: 'Whose Children Are They? -- Exposing the Hidden Agenda in America's Schools' (Official Trailer). Parents of school children across America are waking up and challenging Critical Race Theory and LGBT-indoctrination in public school classrooms. Available for church hosting through May 31


Mary Poppins

Spring Musical presented by Woodcrest Christian School Drama

March 4, 5, 10, 11, 12

Outstanding production (again) by Woodcrest Christian School. Set designs, orchestra, and superb performances by Audrey Kell (Mary Poppins), Brandon Lee (George Banks), Lillie Ibbetson (Miss Andrew) and James Garcia (Von Hussler) made for an impressive, delightful experience for those fortunate to be in attendance. Directed by Teresa Bickett. Vocal Director: Victoria Woolridge. Choreographer: Kylie Mejia. Orchestra Director: Ben Halsne. -Photo by InterChurch News

January 2022:

  • Event: Jan. 21, 1 - 3 p.m.: Memorial to Celebrate the life of Pastor Ray Bentley, Maranatha Chapel, 10752 Coastwood Rd., San Diego, CA 91128; Watch Live
  • Film/DVD: 'Capitol Punishment,' a conservative documentary concerning the January 6, 2021 Capitol protest for election integrity; participants arrested in their homes under the Patriot Act are interviewed.
  • Jan. 5th, 7 p.m.; Prayer Vigil in honor of Pastor Ray Bentley of Maranatha Chapel in San Diego, who died of COVID-19 complications Tuesday, January 4th. Event is livestreamed through

December 2021:

  • Film review: New Kurt Warner biopic 'American Underdog' proves gratitude, grit are keys to American Dream; theater release Dec. 25
  • Film: Dec. 17, 18 & 25th; 'American Underdog' is Hall of Fame football quaterback Kurt Warner's story/testimony.  


'We Three Spies' was a 'classified Christmas adventure'

presented by Linfield Elementary School

at Sunridge Community Church, December 6th and 7th. 

-Photo by InterChurch News

November 2021:



'If you look at the masks that you buy in a drug store, the leakage around that doesn't really do much to protect you. Now, in the United States, there is absolutely no reason whatever to wear a mask.' -Anthony Fauci, USA Today, Feb. 17, 2020

'From the outset, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and other therapeutics posed an existential threat to Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates $48 billion COVID vaccine project, and particularly to their vanity drug remdesivir, in which Gates has a large stake. Under federal law, new vaccines and medicines cannot qualify for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) if any existing FDA-approved drug proves effective against the same malady ... thus, if any FDA approved drug like hydroxychloroquine (or ivermectin) proved effective against COVID, pharmaceutical companies would no longer be legally allowed to fast-track their billion-dollar vaccines to market under Emergency Use Authorization.' -Robert F. Kennedy. Jr., 'The Real Anthony Fauci.' 


  • Event: Nov. 15, 10 a.m. California Statewide, State Capitol Protests -- School parents opposed to statewide vaccine mandates for school children to pull their children from public/private schools and protest in numerous communities. including Sacramento on Monday, November 15; State Capitol protest event sponsored by 'Our Children, Our Choice.' 



October 2021:

  • Film: Oct. 4: 'God's Not Dead: We the People,' Oct. 4 release
  • Event: Oct. 3: SOCAL Harvest Crusade w/Greg Laurie including King & Country, Phil Wickam and more! Angel Stadium, Anaheim; free admission/pay for parking. One night only -- RSVP online.
  • Event: Oct. 2: Route 66 God Loves You Tour w/Franklin Graham final Route 66 stop w/Newsboys, Marcos Witt and Dennis Agajanian; San Bernardino, Saturday Oct. 2, 7 p.m. Volunteer assistance requested. 
  • Film: Oct. 1: 'The Jesus Music -- The Soundtrack of a Movement,' (official trailer), check local theaters for tickets, times; w/Michael W. Smith, Stryper, Amy Grant, Kirk Franklin, Toby Mac, 2nd Chapter of Acts and more. 'Music is God's idea.'

September 2021:


It's the one year self-publication (Sepember 19th) anniversary ot 'The Revolutionary Alternative' (© 2020) by then l4-year old author and homeschooler, Eliza Starkey, and it was celebrated with a book signing event at Temecula's Barnes & Noble bookstore.

'What If the British won the Revolutionary War?' is the theme of her 394 page book based on true patriots in the founding of our nation. The at times jawdropping novel begins with the British hunting, arresting and executing patriots. Here's the first paragraph: 

'The streets of New York pulsed with nervousness and fear. It had been six months since England had won the War of Colonial Rebellion, and the empire had quickly tightened its grip on the colonies, never wanting to release its hold. British redcoats marched up and down the streets in precision, ready to put an end to rebellious behavior and attitude. And it was working.'


Available at Goodreads, Amazon and -- Barnes & Noble.


  • Event: Our Watch: A Warning to Pastors, Wake Up -- A Sept. 1st interview with Artur Pawlowski, Canadian pastor arrested and jailed for holding illegal church services during COVID-19 lockdown (video replay); he is facing up to four years in prison. 412 Church, Murrieta. 
  • Film: 'Show Me the Father,' documentary; from the creators of 'War Room,' 'Overcomer,' 'Fireproof' and 'Courageous' now come amazing true stories providing a fresh perspective of the roles of fathers in today's society. For audiences of all ages, the film invites viewers to think differently about how to view your earthly father -- and your relationship with God.

July 2021:

  • Promise Keepers Men's Conference: July 16-17, AT&T Stadium, Arlington Texas; speaker list, purchase tickets.

June 2021: 

  • Film: '12 Mighty Orphans,' a film based on a true story about a legendary football coach who helped orphans compete in a football league during the Depression, stars Luke Wilson, Robert Duvall, Martin Sheen. PG-13 for violence and some coarse language. Releases to theaters nationwide June 18.


If mainstream media tells you a tolerant, open society is the objective of the LGBT and the Left, read Jack Philips' firsthand account of the intolerance, threats and lawsuits he endures. Available at Goodreads, Amazon and Barnes and Noble.


April 2021:

  • Easter surise services, 5:30 a.m., Calvary Chapel Chino Hills; Sunday services in person or online: 7:15 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m. 
  • Easter sunrise service, 6:30 a.m., Revival Christian Fellowship, Menifee (outside lawn area; bring your Bible, family, freinds, chair, blankets, coffee, or watch live @ Two inside services: 9:45 a.m., 11:30 a.m.
  • Easter services: Rock Church, San Diego: 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 p.m., 2 p.m., 4 p.m. 6 p.m. 
  • Easter services: University Christian Church, West Los Angeles: online service only @ 10 a.m.
  • Easter services: The View, Menifee; three services: 7:45 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. (reservations required, or watch live).

March 2021:



Christian-Interest Books, Documents (alpha author, biographical subject).

For additional book list, seeBooks to 'Kick Against the Oppression.' (Quote borrowed from Rev. John R. Stott: 'Do you tickle ears throughout your day, or do you kick against the oppression?' Sermon excerpt from El Montecito Presbyterian Church 100-Year Anniversary (1897-1987) service , November 16, 1987.)

Note: Titles not hyperlinked are generally available in

Autobiography, Biography, Memoirs 

  • 'God's Smuggler,' by Brother Andrew (© 1964, 2012). A Dutch factory worker's incredible witness delivering Bibles in his VW bug into Russia and other communist countries. 
  • 'The Hiding Place: The Triumphant True Story of Corrie ten Boom,' by ten Boom, Corrie, Sherrill, John and Elizabeth (© 1971, 1984). Her family hid Jews in their home from Nazis and paid the ultimate sacrifice; read how her sister was a witness to her. 
  • 'Amazing Faith: The Authorized Biography of Bill Bright, Founder of Campus Crusade for Christ,' by Richardson, Dr. Mitchell (© 2000, 2001). Reveals the calling, the passion, the strategic thinking, the sacrifice and impact of one man committed to evangelism. 
  • 'Run Baby Run,' by Cruz, Nicki (© 1969, 1988). 
  • 'Just As I Am -- The Autobiography of Billy Graham,' by Graham, Billy (© 1997). The world's greatest evangelist tells his story to the millions who heard -- and will hear -- the gospel of Jesus Christ; '... he has shown the world our best self' -Los Angeles Times
  • 'No Compromise -- The Life Story of Keith Green,' by Green, Melody and Hazard, Dave (© 1989 The Sparrow Corporation). An inspiring account of one of Contempory Christian Music's greatest songwriter-musicians.
  • 'Heir to a Dream' by MaravichPete w/Campbell, Darrel, Thomas Nelson Publishers © 1987. One of basketball's greatest players, Hall of Famer 'Pistol Pete' Maravich publishes his testimony months before he collapsed and died at age 40 in Pasedena playing a pick-up game that included Dr. James Dobson. An autopsy revealed Maravich had been born without a left coronary artery to his heart -- his right coronary artery had enlarged to compensate for the loss off blood flow -- which makes his basketball achievements even more extraordinary. 
  • 'Love Letter to America' by Schuman, Tomas (© 1984). An autobiography of ex-KGB officer who reveals Soviet playbook to conquer the United States. The four stages of subversion: 1) Demoralization or 'reality upside down' 2) Destablization 3) Crisis 4) Normalization.

'Whether you believe it or not -- you are at war.' 

-Tomas Schuman, former KGB operative

  • 'The Gulag Archipelago: An Experiment in Literary Investigation,' by Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr (© 1973). 'Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened.' Heard from elder townsmen, this lament was motivation for Solzhenitsyn to record Leninist-based Soviet oppression in this account of the forced labor camp system he was a prisoner of.
  • 'Night,' Weisel, Elie (© 1958). A translation edited by his wife Weisel, Marion (© 2006). A Jewish eyewitness account of Nazi Germany. If you were limited to read one record of events -- outside of the Bible -- this should be the one. 
  • 'The Cross and the Switchblade,' by Wilkerson, David, Sherrill John and Elizabeth (© 1963, 1986). The founder of the addiction recovery program Teen Challenge shares his story.

Christian Life 

  • 'Spiritual Care,' by Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (© 1985 by Fortress Press). Written for seminary students, applications for every Christian.
  • 'God Will Make A Way -- What to Do When You Don't Know What to Do,' by Cloud, Henry and Townsend, Dr. John (© 2002). This book shows how to apply eight principles to key areas of life and 'see His supernatural power at work more clearly.' 
  • 'Raising Your Children for Christ,' Murray, Andrew (Whitaker House edition © 1984, previously titled 'How to Bring Your Children to Christ.').
  • 'Are Women Human?,' -Sayers, Dorothy L. (© 1971, Eerdman's Publishing); Witty talks to a women's society circa 1938; Sayers was one of the Inklings, the literay group including C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and Charles Williams. 
  • 'The Case for Miracles -- A Journalist Investigates Evidence for the Supernatural,' Strobel, Lee (© 2018). 
  • 'Church of Cowards -- A Wake-Up Call to Complacent Christians,' Walsh, Matt (© 2020). An observation of the American Christian culture vs. the suffering church worldwide, from the lens of a Catholic believer. 

Cultural (Missionary, Persecution, Political)

  • 'Tell Your Children -- The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness and Violence,' by Berenson, Alex (© 2019). A former New York Times reporter, Berenson '... warns that the media and cannabis advocates have deeply mislead Americans about the drug's safety.'
  • 'Sacred Scripture, Sacred War: The Bible and the American Revolution,' by Byrd, Joseph P. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2013). How America's Founding Fathers and patriots interpreted Old and New Testament Scripture in relation to the oppression of England: '... sermons were more influential than political pamphlets ...' 
  • 'Changed - # OnceGay Stories,' by Changed Movement (© 2018). Rejected as evidence by the Calif. Democratic legislature, this book prints testimonies of those who have come out of homosexuality via faith-based counseling, books, social media and church. 
  • 'Legally Poisoned -- How the Law Puts Us at Risk from Toxicants,' by Craner, Carl G. (© 2011, Harvard U. Press); Chapters include 'Nowhere to Hide,' 'Reckless Nation: How Existing Laws Fail to Protect Children' and 'What Kind of World Do We Want to Create?'
  • 'Dark Agenda -- The War to Destroy Christian America,' by Horowitz, David (© 2018). The intolerant Leftist strategy to destroy Judeo-Christian values and tradition is researched by the former '60s American revolutionist -- now conservative activist ('Radical Son,' 'Destructive Generation -- Second Thoughts About the '60s').
  • 'DOJ Inspector General's Report on the Russian Investigation,' by Horowitz, Michael (published 2019); PDF file. Excerpt: 'Our review found that the FBI personnel fell far short of the requirement in FBI policy that they ensure that all factual statements in a FISA application are 'scrupulously accurate' (pg VIII).
  • 'The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe,' by MacDonald, Heather (© 2016; B.A. Yale University, M.A. Cambridge, J.D. from Stanford Law School). 'This is a book that can save lives.' -Thomas Sowell; more reviews
  • 'The Health Hazards of Homosexuality -- What the Medical and Psychological Research Reveals,' by Mass Resistance (© 2017). 'An excellent go-to reference for those seeking accurate, truthful information.' -Paul A. Church, M.D. (See also: Reviews & Interviews).

  • 'The Mueller Report,' by Mueller, Robert (published by Washington Post (© 2019).; PDF file. Excerpts: #1. '... the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities' (Vol. I, pgs 2, 5, 9). #2. '... the investigation did not identify that any U.S. persons conspired or coordinated with the IRA [Internet Research Agency, i.e. Russian elections interference/social media campaign] ...' (Vol. I, pgs 4, 14). #3. '... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime ...'  (Vol. II, pg 2). #4. Massive scope of investigation (Vol. I, pg 13). 
  • 'Demon Possession and Allied Themes,' by Nevins, John L. (©1896). A go-to book for reliable documented demon possession accounts eyewitnessed by missionaries in China during the late 1800's.


Unmasked -- Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy,' Ngo, Andy (© 2021). This controversial book -- hidden from most bookstore shelves -- needs to be read by those concerned about public safety. Ngo is a journalist who risked his life and that of his family to cover this violent group that verbally and physically assault citizens on the street -- strangely not yet categorized by the FBI - Homeland Security as domestic terrorists. Ngo makes a case they should be. Course language -- but not from Ngo. 


  • 'The Persecution and Genocide of Christians in the Middle East -- Prevention, Prohibition & Prosecution,' edited by Rychlak, Ronald J., Adolphe, Jane F. (© 2017). Collection of 12 essays; a primer for Christians, students of human rights, and all concerned about religious persecution.
  • 'On Faith -- Lessons from an American Believer,' Scalia, Antonin; Edited by Scalia, C.J. and Whelan, E. (© 2019). A collection of the late U.S. Supreme Court justice's defense for religion in the public square; includes a chapter on 'the false allure of socialism.'
  • The Reproducers-- New Life for Thousands, by Smith, Chuck and Steven, Hugh (© 2011 Chuck Smith, © 1972 Gospel Light Productions). Sketches of the Jesus Movement at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa circa 1972. 'Let's not ever, ever close the door to anyone because of dress or the way he looks.' -Chuck Smith


  • 'Christian Higher Education -- Faith, Teaching and Learning in the Evangelical Tradition,' edited by Dockery, David and Morgan, Christopher (© 2018).
  • 'Standing Up To Goliath -- Battling State and National Teacher's Unions for the Heart and Soul of Our Kids and Country,' by Freidrichs, Rebecca (© 2018). A former Calif. teacher takes on teacher's unions that she argues use union fees and dues primarily for political agendas. 
  • 'The Corrupt Classroom -- Bias, Indoctrination, Violence, and Social Engineering Show Why America Needs School Choice,' by Izumi, Lance (© 2017). Exposes America's public school takeover by Leftists. 


  • 'Ethics,' Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (© 1949, 1955, Touchstone edition © 1995). Christians do not 'live in a vacuum,' German pastor Bonhoeffer writes, but in a world of government, politics, labor and marriage. Pro-life on the abortion issue; executed by Nazis in 1945. 
  • 'A Practical Exposition of the 10 Commandments,' Durham, James (new edition © 2018). A resurrected classic.
  • 'Isaiah 40-55: Concordia Commentary,' Lessing, Dr. Reed. A continuation in the study of Isaiah's condemnation of humanity's sin, prophesy of the coming messiah who atones for that sin.' 
  • 'Pensees,' -Pascal, Blaise. 'Pascal is one of those writers who will be and who must be studied afresh by men in every generation.' -T.S. Elliot
  • 'Calvary Chapel Distinctives -- The Foundational Principles of the Calvary Chapel Movement,' by Chuck Smith (© 2000 by The Word for Today Publishers). '... it's crucial for us to grasp what we call the Calvary Chapel Distinctives ... what makes our fellowship unique.'


Christian-themed Music & Music Videos  (alpha artist):


The Call



FROM THE VAULT: The Call perform at The Bacchanal, San Diego, December 9, 1989 during the 'Let the Day Begin' tour. Frontmen: lead guitarist Tom Ferrier (L) and lead singer, songwriter and bassist Michael Been (R). Check back with IC News  for an exclusive backstage interview with Michael Been and The Call before the 1989 concert. -Photos © InterChurch News



Christian-Interest Films (Ed. note: We hope for the day when Hollywood will return to producing general audience films with children (or adults) not cursing in their roles, or containing sexually explicit or nude scenes -- if only parents would boycott 'Hollywood' on Sundays to clean up their otherwise entertaining and inspiring films. We applaud the 'Star Wars,' (pre-Disney) series, 'The Lord of the Rings,' and 'The Chronicles of Narnia,' and most films pre-1967 as free of coarse language and nudity. By that standard, we consider the following suggestions appropriate for children and family viewing -- unless otherwise noted.

'O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called ...' -1 Timothy 6:11-12).

Note: Not all films listed are Christian-themed, but sourcing the truth on select topics is indeed, a godly exercise.

Non-fiction (alpha title):

  • '9/11: Explosive Evidence -- Experts Speak Out' (2012).  Reputable American Architects & Engineers make a compelling --  and unsettling -- case based on forensic evidence, film and eyewitness accounts the three WTC towers fell to 'controlled demolition' -- not by office fires as the 9/11 Commission concluded. For example: 'How do two airplanes bring down three towers?' 
  • 'A Man For All Seasons' (1966), G. The uncompromising faith of Sir Thomas More ('Utopia') in the era of King Henry VIII.
  • 'The Amendment' The story behind the Victim's Rights Act, a true story of forgiveness.
  • 'A Smile As Big As The Moon' (2019), PG. Hallmark true story a special-ed teacher gets his classs to NASA space camp.
  • 'Beyond the Blackboard' (2011), PG. Hallmark true story of first year teacher who teaches homeless children.
  • 'The Case for Christ' (2017), NR. The conversion testimony of Chicago Tribune reporter Lee Strobel. .
  • 'Chariots of Fire' (1981), PG. Study of contrasting motivations to win track gold medals in the 1924 Olympics. 
  • 'The Elephant Man' (1980), PG. Based on life of Joseph 'John' Merrick: orphaned, deformed, beaten -- yet kind, forgiving, Christian.
  • 'Evelyn' (2002), PG. True, inspiring story of divorced dad who fights in courts to get his children back from mandated boarding school.

Dave Eubanks, founder of Free Burma Rangers

  • 'Free Burma Rangers - A Family Brings Hope to the Front Lines'  (2020). A former army ranger and his family answer God's call to help Burma citizens suffering in the midst of civil war; and then turn to the suffering in Iraq and Syria; share with church, youth group.  
  • 'Gosnell -- The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer' (2018), PG-13. Fact-based trial of abortionist; caution viewing with children.
  • 'I Can Only Imagine' (2018), PG. Fact-based biography of Christian songwriter Mercy Me's Bart Millard.
  • 'Joni' (1980). Fact-based biography of Joni Erickson-Tada: CEO, artist, author, speaker, wife and Christian in spite of quadriplegia.
  • 'Mully' (2017), NR. The true and inspiring story of Charles Mully, orphaned in Kenya and through acts of kindness, repentance and a faith in Christ lead him to become an American millionaire who returns to his homeland to help orphans. 
  • 'No Safe Spaces' (2019), PG-13. Documentary: shocking evidence of America shutting down of 'free [conservative] speech.' A film by conservative talk show host Dennis Prager. 
  • 'C. H. Spurgeon: The People's Preacher' (2010). In 1861 -- without a mic -- Spurgeon was preaching to 6000 people on Sunday. An excellent biographical film of a great British pastor-preacher-teacher, author and orphanage administrator. 

Uncle Tom premiere. Standing (L-R): Bryan Gray, Herman Cain, Col. Alan B. West, Pastor Stephen Broden. Sitting: Kelvin Austin, Damian B. Felder, Joel Patrick, Rob Smith, Carol Swan, Viswarney Burra, Larry Elder, Brandon Tatum, Chad O. Jackson -- MAGA REPUBLICANS. 

  • 'Uncle Tom - An Oral History of the American Black Conservative' (2020), NR. A collection of intimate interviews w/some of America's most provacative black conservative thinkers as MAGA Republicans. Highly educational, but BE ADVISED: Infrequent street language (F, N & S words). A film by conservative talk-show host Larry Elder. 
  • 'The Winslow Boy' (1948, 1999). A father risks all to clear his son and the family name in order 'that right be done.'

Jesus Movement-era Noteworthy


The late Keith Green's documentary 'Your Love Broke Through' -- The Story of Keith Green' CD-DVD collection is available at Amazon for $7.75 (May 2024) -- an 80% discount. The CD-DVD package is not available on Keith Green's official website, Last Days Ministries. However, other noteworthy DVDs, CDs are available. 

  • 'Your Love Broke Through -- The Keith Green Story' -- The Ultimate Collection CD & DVD. An excellent documentary of perhaps the most cutting edge contemporary Christian musician of the Jesus Movement era. Keith Green took Christian music and the gospel industry to the next level. A must see. 

Fiction (alpha title):

  • 'The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe' (2005), PG. Excellent movie version of a C.S. Lewis classic.
  • 'The Encounter' (2010). Clever faith-filled family drama about Jesus serving stranded cafe customers.
  • 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey' (2012), PG-13 (violence). Excellent movie version of J.R.R. Tolkien's classic hero adventure. 
  • 'Les Miserables' (1934, 1952, 1998). Screen adaptations of Victor Hugo's 1862 novel about a regenerated man's struggle with his accuser.


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