InterChurch News

'A truthful witness saves lives' -Proverbs 14:25

An Evangelical Publication / Member: CNPA - Digital News Media

March 2025 / Est. 2013


Jesus said: 

'If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.'

-John: 15:7-8

InterChurch News

'The Sin

of Doing Nothing'

'So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it,

for him it is sin.'

-James 4:17

News & Notable 2022

Issue: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6

Vol. X, Issue #6 | March 15 - 31

  • RealClear Investigations: In Depth: US Supreme Court Justice nominee Judge Jackson's soft spot for drug dealers, pedophiles and terrorists
  • Frontline News: Over-60s under attack (baby boomers deemed 'unsustainable')
  • California Family: AB-1840 proposes additional 'underrepresented communities' quota for corporate boards -- 'Evangelical Christians' not in list
  • Roys Report: Vineyard 'mother church' in Anaheim breaks away from denomination
  • Daily Wire: Biden says food shortages 'going to be real' 
  • Charlotte Lozier Institute: Science to Judge Jackson: Unborn children do feel pain
  • Charisma Magazine: Russian tank reportedly shells apartment building killing adopted daughter of Ukrainian pastor
  • National Review: Democrat-run media suppressed pre-election Hunter Biden laptop story, ran Trump 'traitor,' 'illegitimate president' story for years
  • American Family News: Public reminded of 'Big Guy' laptop emails because son reportedly in big trouble
  • Stream: World 'Down Syndrome Day' --- A Celebration of Life
  • Mercy Projects: Christians in Ukraine could be sent to camps, killed
  • ASSIST News: Christian missionary abducted by Russians in Ukraine
  • Daily Wire: XY transgender athlete Lia Thomas defeats XX swimmers in NCAA Championships -- not without protests (video)
  • Decision: Indiana parents protest LGBT-hosted sex-ed camp for kids
  • Gatestone Institute: Why did Putin invade Ukraine?
  • CBN News: Kansas teacher suspended for refusing to use transgender pronouns for student's new gender identity sues school district
  • Christian Post: Christian ministries serving as 'God's distribution system' Russia's war in Ukraine
  • Samaritan's Purse: Emergency field hospital open in Ukraine
  • CA Family Council: Teen girl commits suicide after school, courts and doctors push her into transgenderism



Local News

Biden: I Did That 

Regular gasoline at this Menifee AM/PM Arco station is $6.259 per gallon. 

-Photo InterChurch News


Storm Stadium March 19

Linfield Lions: 8 -- Lakeside Lancers: 3


Photo: Matt Kezkalah (#10) of Linfield Christian High School hits a double and RBI for the Lions.

-Photos InterChurch News


Festival @ Linfield



Photos: The Linfield Christian Elementary School Orchestra (above) performs Hunters Choice and Rustic Dance for their annual Festival under the conduction of Band and Orchestra Director Angie Knechtel. Judging the performances were Dr. Ken Foerch (bottom, L) from Vanguard University and Len Montgomery (bottom, R) from Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa High School. The Orchestra received 'Excellent' scoring for their performances. 

-Photos InterChurch News


The Bible says: Psalm 119:93 | Jesus said: John 15:7-8

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