InterChurch News

'A truthful witness saves lives' -Proverbs 14:25

An Evangelical Publication / Member: CNPA - Digital News Media

February 2025 / Est. 2013


Jesus said: 

'Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved,

but whoever does not believe will be condemned.'

-Mark 16:16

GO Fund Me Page for the Two Ambushed LASD Deputies

'No Police, No Peace' Billboard Campaign

 News & Notable: Local 

Election Day: Trump supporters (above and L) cheer on car drivers passing by Temecula's Duck Pond corner on Tuesday morning, November 3rd. 

Menifee power outage: An Edison transformer blew out Monday morning in the Heritage Lake community. Power was restored with a new transformer (R) about 7:30 p.m.

-Photos InterChurch News

2020 Archives: Week 1-2-3-4-5-6-7.-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19        

Vol. VIII #21 | November 1 - 14


The Bible says: Proverbs 21:31 | Jesus says: Mark 16:16

Illustration (L): Vote While You Still Can. This election is either a vote for the sanctity of life, marriage and to defend Faith, freedom and our police, or to witness further destruction of America's Christian heritage and values by the Left. -Illustration from Reddit

Election 2020: Long lines to vote in person throughout the day, Temecula public library, California. -Photo InterChurch News

Election 2020

Temecula, California

-Photos InterChurch News

Riverside County's Registrar of Voters -- steady, focused and accountability -- a model for building voter confidence

Photos: Riverside County Registrar of Voters has approximately 312,000 ballots yet to count out of nearly 1.2 million received as of November 6. Ballots can be counted if recieved within 17 days of a postmark date on or before November 3rd. Observers who wish to view the ballot-count procedure (above photo) are briefed before entry into the facility. A tour guide takes viewers through the warehouse, precint sorting machines, signature checks and ballot scanners; the vast majority of ballots are not tabulated manually by hand, but via scanners. Observers are allowed to observe specific areas. Ballot counters are paid -- and not screened as to political party affiliation. Workers team up to check ballots that do not process through scanners due to inconsistent voter markings.

While on our tour, the ballot scanner crew was reportedly on a break as the entire scanner machine operation had stopped. Though the work pace throughout the building was steady and focused, this observer didn't feel a sense of urgency among the workers -- see any sweat. That said, our one-hour observation instilled a sense of confidence in the integrity of the count. Tours and observing are on a walk-in basis -- a group said Friday their lobby wait was over two hours. There is not ballot counting on Sundays and the building is closed. All ballots need to be certified by December 3.

Daily updates on election results are viewable here

-Photos InterChurch News

At 9:50 PST, we projected a Trump win on Twitter

Screenshots: The electoral map (L) Wednesday, November 4th at 3 p.m.. Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania (below) were not called wins for President Donald Trump by 9:30 p.m. Tuesday night on ABC even with a fair percentage for margins of victory. Democrat-challenger Joe Biden then had 205 electoral votes with Trump at 136. Middle screenshot: At 9:30 p.m., 16 states were yet to be projected -- with Trump leading in 8 (141 electoral votes). Bottom two photos: Comparing CBS and ABC electoral tabulations during Trump's White House announcement he had the electoral votes to win.

Indeed, at 9:50 p.m. PST, InterChurch News tweeted -- based on Trump's 136 electoral vote count already projected plus 141 based on network percentage spreads and expected vote ins reported by ABC at 9:30 -- a projected Trump win of 277 electoral votes.

By 9:30, ABC was showing Biden-Trump percentages of:

  • Texas: 46-52 w/90% expected in (38 electoral points)
  • Florida: 48-51 w/96% expected in (29)
  • Pennsylvania: 42-56 w/58% expected in (20)
  • Iowa: 45-53 w/86% expected in (6)
  • Nevada: (6) -point spread N/A; Trump would still win (271) without NV
  • WI 47-52 w/67% expected in (10)
  • Michigan: 44-54 w/53% expected in (16)
  • Georgia: 46-52 w/85% expected in (16).*

It was a clear path to victory based on trends, margins and percentages. ABC and CBS coverage -- as Trump gained the lead -- at the time appeared to hesitate to call it for Trump. So we did.

North Carolina at 9:20 ABC reported 49-50 w/95% expected in. 

The electoral count November 6: Joe Biden, 264; Donald Trump, 214 (source: AP); Joe Biden, 253; Donald Trump, 213 (source: CNN).

* November 3rd tweet (below) incorrectly stated 'winning with 297' electoral votes as PA (20) was counted twice; Trump still 'wins' with 277. The editor's tweet was preceded by president Donald Trump's tweet by two minutes. 

InterChurch News

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