InterChurch News

'A truthful witness saves lives' -Proverbs 14:25

An Evangelical Publication / Member: CNPA - Digital News Media

March 2025 / Est. 2013

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Photo (L):  Jesus. Trump. America. Tractor trailer seen heading north on I-215 in Menifee this week. -Photo InterChurch News

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The Bible says ...

'And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.'

-Romans 8:28

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 COVID-19 Case Fatality Rate: Jan. 18  

C = Cases (inc. recoveries, deaths), D = Deaths

  • Riverside County: C: 233,899; D: 2,517 (1.1%); Recoveries: 151,506
  • California: C: 2,973,174; D: 33,593 (1.1%)
  • US: C: 23,653,919; D: 394,495 (1.7%)

COVID to COVID: The CDC PIC (Pneumonia, Influenza, Covid-19) epidemic threshold is 5.8%; figures in parenthesis indicate Case Fatality Rate.

Photo (L): MLK Street Art. SIGN PETITION to safely reopen economy. -File photo InterChurch News

Covid-19 News & Resource

Regional Stay Home Orders -- New

'Our goal is simple, we want to bend the curve ...' 

-California Governor Gavin Newsom, March 19, 2020.

'... the vast majority of those infected [with COVID-19] get only mild cases that often resemble the flu ...'

 -'Your Nose Itches: Is it Allergies, Flu or the Coronavirus?' -New York Times, March 17, April 27, 2020

'For most people, the new coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms ...'

-'Hundreds Protest Against Stay-at-Home Order,' Associated Press, May 23, 2020



Contact your state legislators

A. Stay Home Order Q & A | 9 months (and counting) since initial March 19th stay home order

B. New! Blueprint for a Safer Economy: Guidelines re: work, church, schools, shopping, protests -- visiting family and friends

C. New!  Riverside County Elementary School Waiver Status

Democrat 'Flatten the Curve' Economic Impact on Riverside County: 14.8% unemployment; 100,000 jobs lost (July, August reports).

 Riverside County, State Public Health Updates 

Proponents for reopening the state and/or early use of hydroxchloroquine to save lives


  • Executive Order N-33-20 (Stay Home), issued March 19 by Gov. Gavin Newsom
  • Essential Workforce: List of Critical Infrastructure Workers
  • Letter to Gov. Gavin Newsom issued May 19 by Asst. U.S. Attorney General Eric S. Dreiband, Civil Rights Division: 'The Constitution calls for California to do more to accommodate religious worship' and 'there is no pandemic exception to the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights.' 
  • Places of Worship JULY 1: 'Places of worship must therefore discontinue singing and chanting and limit indoor attendance to 25% of building capacity or a maximum of 100 attendees, whichever is lower ...' (Section: Purpose, third paragraph). 

Photo (above): Traffic DeathsPerhaps in California we shouldn't drive at all. -Photo Jacob E. Sloane/InterChurch News

  • Leading Causes of Death, California 2017: Heart disease (62,797), Chronic lower respiratory illness (13,881), Accidents (13,840), Flu-pneumonia (6,340), Infant mortality rate (4.2% per 1000 live births) ...


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

CDC COVID-19 (PIC) Mortality Percentages vs. Epidemic Threshold: Week 27: 5.5 percent (June 28 - July 4); Week 28: 11.5 pecent (July 5 - 11); Week 299.1 percent (July 12 - July 18).

Translating Doublespeak -- or the Mysterious 'Epidemic Threshold': Comparing Weeks 27 and 29 of CDC's PIC Mortality Percentages (or '11 weeks of declining COVID-19 deaths'). Notice when 'currently below the epidemic threshold' (Week 27) or 'currently above the epidemic threshold' (Week 28) -- the actual epidemic threshold percentage itself is omitted as a reference. The public doesn't know from this table what the 'current' epidemic threshold percentage is. What happened between weeks 27 and 29? The July 4th weekend, but also the.Black Lives Matter protests, riots and lootings erupted across the nation from May 25 throughout the summer. 

Photos: Aftermath of Black Lives Matter protests, riots and lootings in Santa Monica downtown business district suffering economic fallout. CDC statistics show a 6 percent and 3.5 percent increase in Covid-19 related deaths in CDC Weeks 28 and 29 (July 5 - July 18) - since July 4th weekend and nationwide BLM protests beginning May 25. The Covid-19 related mortality rate had been declining 11 weeks in a row.

Sample of July 4th weekend Black Lives Matter protests  (6% increase in COVID-19 deaths followed July 4th weekend)


In-person schools -- even before a vaccine -- in Fall is 'critically important'

July 23: Preparing K-12 School Administrators for a Safe Return to School in Fall 2020

July 23: 'It is critically important for our public health to open schools this fall. School closures had negative health consequences on our youth.'

- Robert R. Redfield, CDC Director

Ed. note: COVIDView Week 28 report (ending July 4) stated the U.S. is in the 12th week of decline in PIC-related deaths (Pneumonia, Influenza and COVID-19). CDC states the PIC mortality rate is 5.5% -- and is below the 5.8% epidemic threshold. Notable however, is that the CDC recently lowered the bar of an 'epidemic threshold' from a flu or disease spread of 7.3/7.2 % to the current 5.8% ratio. The 'epidemic threshold' now represents PIC DEATHS compared to ALL DEATHS in the U.S. (apples and oranges) -- instead of a traditional confirmed COVID-19 cases to confirmed COVID-19 deaths (apples and apples).

COVID-19 to COVID-19: To check the epidemic threshold, for example, of the July 13 U.S. COVID-19 case vs. death count: divide 3,296,599 cases by 5.8% = 191,202 deaths to reach epidemic threshold. However, 134,844 was the actual COVID-19 death count -- 56,000 deaths short of epidemic status. If the CDC's prior 2019 flu epidemic threshold of 7.3% was the applied standard, the COVID-19 U.S. death count would have to hit 240,651 (3,296,599 x 7.3%) to be considered an epidemic.

For July 13th, California reported 329,162 COVID-19 cases ('cases' include current cases, recoveries and deaths). With the CDC's new 5.8% epidemic threshold standard, it would take 19,091 coronavirus deaths to declare an epidemic -- by CDC standards -- in California. However, the total COVID-19 mortality rate was reported at 7,040 -- nearly two-thirds short of an epidemic threshold. 

U.S. Flu News

Go Green: ILI (Influenza-like Illness) includes COVID-19 data of medical visits with flu-like symptoms (temperature of 100 degrees or greater, a cough, sore throat).

Ed. note: Looking back with 20/20 vision at the 2017-2018 flu season, CDC estimates the U.S. saw 810,000 flu-hospitalizations, 45 million flu-like illnesses and 80,000 flu-related deaths (revised to 61,000 in April 2020) -- in hindsight should California and the rest of the Union have issued 'shelter-in-place' orders for its essentially healthy workers -- or required schools and churches to be closed?

Top Pick: Sheriff Chad Bianco refuses to enforce 'unconstitutional' stay-home orders


Emptied malls and ghost towns 

Moreno Valley Mall, 11:30 a.m., Thursday, July 16, 2020.


Moreno Valley Mall, 11:30 a.m., Thursday, July 16, 2020.


'Our goal is simple, we want to bend the curve, and disrupt the spread of the virus.'

-Governor Gavin Newsom, March 19, 2020 Executive Order N-33-20 (Stay Home)

May 6th: Congratulations Riverside County -- we Flattened the Curve!

On March 15th Riverside County Public Health

clarified 'the one goal' of local COVID-19 Orders:




Riverside County Public Health projected 9,000 COVID-19 hospitalizations by May 6 -- there are 215 on April 29

Graph (above): The COVID-19 Projections model released March 31 by Riverside County Public Health reinforced the state and local 'flatten the curve' stay-at-home orders.


Riverside, Calif., InterChurch News, April 29, 2020.

The Riverside County Public Health COVID-19 Projections model released March 31 forecast 60,000+ cases, 1000 deaths, 3000 ICU beds needed, 9,000 hospitalizations -- by May 6.

The April 29 COVID-19 statistics for Riverside County: 3,942 confirmed cases, 143 deaths, 78 patients in ICU and 215 currently hospitalized.

Riverside County has flattened the curve -- the goal for the initial March stay-at-home, no-gatherings, wear-a-mask local and state orders. 

Of course, for those who are in the hospital, or suffered the loss of a loved one, statistics don't mean much. But to the citizens and undocumented who have been under stay-at-home orders, have businesess, jobs, children and bills to pay -- the statistics are encouraging that life can (at least) begin to be normalized in Riverside County soon. 

Dr. Cameron Kaiser, the Riverside County public health officer who issued historic restrictive orders since March encompasing limited to no-public gatherings (including religious services), stay-at-home, face masks, social distancing, school closures, drive-in church services, sit-in dining services, funeral service limitations ... deserves credit (compare Riverside County COVID-19 statistics to New York City:12,287 confirmed deaths, 159,865 cases and 41,316 hospitalized to date).

And the 2.4 million Riverside County residents who sacrificed work, school, church (and other religious gatherings) and recreation since the middle of March deserve credit -- and consideration -- as well.


A customer-empty gift shop -- the weekend before Christmas; Seaport Village, San Diego.

COVID-19 Federal, State, Local Government Assistance

Food & Shelter / Home Meals Delivered / VA Assistance

COVID-19 Local News:

Riverside County: Masks not required

Riverside, Calif., InterChurch News, May 12, 2020

After sitting through emotional public testimony May 5 and May 8 from Riverside County residents comprised of business owners, students, nurses and even the Sheriff -- and after the 5-0 vote by the County Board of Supervisors to rescind three of four local public health Orders -- Dr. Cameron Kaiser, public health officer, rescinded by Order on May 9:

And Kaiser amended the all school closure Orders he issued March 16, April 1 and April to allow Community College, Public, Private, Nonprofit and For-Profit Colleges and Universities (including tradeschools) to re-open [subject to state Orders].

However, all K-12 public, private and charter schools are to remain closed through June 19 as Supervisors had recommended based on regional school superintendent requests. 

public outcry

The Orders were effective immediately. The public outcry had concentrated on the April 29 Amended Order of the Health Officer extending restrictions effective May 1 through June 19 -- as citizens had put their hopes on a lifting of restrictions since they had well 'flattened the curve' of the dire COVID-19 projections for Riverside County issued March 31. 

The County of Riverside now defers to the state's Executive Order N-33-20 -- stay home except for essential needs -- restrictions and guidelines in the projected 'four stages' of the Resilience Roadmap to re-open California. A press release from the Riverside County Joint Information Center clarified the County Board of Supervisors recommendations from Friday's special meeting. 

But what the dozens of people in the Supervisor's chambers -- representing the 200 or so people outside holding signs and the 2. 5 million residents with lives on hold in the County  -- really needed was to re-open all businesses and return to work and in-person church services.

And that's not what they got. 

Those items were not on the agenda. A local jurisdiction can exceed the state's public health Orders -- but not lessen. After the public testimonies, Fifth District Supervisor Jeff Hewitt stated he wanted to motion that Riverside County move to re-open all businesses deemed 'non-essential' immediately -- against the standing Order of Governor Gavin Newsom.

However, after discussion among the Board members about legality, concerns of financial and license-revoking repercussions from the state, that motion never heard a second. 

The Board had heard testimony for two days from the vantage point of the citizens on the effects of the public health orders, and of those who spoke in public or who called in, the vast majority were in favor of rescission.

Sheriff will not enforce 'stay home' Order

'I refuse to make criminals of business owners, single moms and otherwise healthy individuals for exercising their constitutional rights,' said Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco at the public microphone about his agency not enforcing 'stay home' orders.

'There cannot be a "new normal"' said Bianco referring to a phrase Kaiser used in a April 29 Riverside County public information news release. 'We are talking about a country founded on the fundamental freedoms of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The "new normal" is a direct attack on those basic rights.' 

The County Sheriff  cited statistics that the community had met the 'flatten the curve' public health requirements issued in March, that less than a tenth of one percent of the Riverside County population of 2.5 million had contracted the coronavirus to date and tragically people have died from the virus -- but the loss of life to COVID-19 is 7/1000 of one percent of the population. 

It was a sobering and courageous public statement from Bianco.

'We've been without our faith community for eight weeks,' said Riverside County resident Jeremy Greening standing in front of the public microphone. 'We've done without our children's activities for the same amount of time. With the [local COVID-19] numbers ... we are ready to move forward. We've done our part -- and we just ask that our leadership do theirs.'

Citizen after citizen approached the microphone to give public testimony of the consequences of six or more weeks of COVID-19 precautions, stay-at-home orders, school and church closures -- not only upon themselves -- but loved ones or neighbors in the community.

They bore witness to suicides, child abuse, depression, drug abuse -- results of confinement, isolation, losing jobs and of anxiety of being unable to pay bills, rent or buy food. Owners of businesses spoke of laying off employees and losing their life's dreams if orders continued.

'hospitals are empty'

'During the HIV era ... and H1N1, the swine flu -- we didn't shut the country down,' said former New York resident Tony Cuomo now retired -- he said -- due to combat injuries suffered in Iraq. 'My neighbors, are seriously worrying about losing their homes. The economic model for this country is the average American is seven paychecks away from homelessness. Ladies and gentlemen, you're down four right now. You're down four. Three more and now we're going to have worse than a pandemic on our hands. People are not stupid ... our hospitals are empty and medical personnel are being furloughed. The big box stores can be open -- but the mom and pop stores can't?'

'What are we waiting for?' said Hunter Erickson. 'If we wait three months or a year, tell me, what's going to change? Unemployment will continue to soar. Federal and state debt will continue to have skyrocketed ... constitutional rights suppressed. And guess what? The virus is still going to be here. So what are we waiting for? To see how much freedom the people are willing to give up? There's no scientific evidence or data that warrants this kind of lockdown.'

An understanding of the intital stay at home, school closure orders for fear of the unknown virus was stated several times by the citizens speaking. But now, the data is there, they said. They said they had 'flattened the curve' as projected in March by public health and now it was time to continue with social distancing safety measures -- but to 'let my people go' as a few quoted Moses speaking to Pharoah in the Book of Exodus -- and get back to an otherwise normal life.

'damage ... is shameful'

'When you look at the [COVID-19] data,' said Christopher Nelson, 'the death rates are so much less, 20-40 times less than they were first expected to be. These restrictions were reasonable in light of limited data. Now we have new data. This is something that needs to be taken seriously -- but not to the extent of the restrictions that we have.'  

Quit treating adults like children was a theme speakers reiterated. Let small business owners adjust for safety measures like protective screens near check out stands and social distancing measures the concerned citizens said. 

'I urge you to do the right thing,' said Brad Anderson of Rancho Mirage addressing the Board. 'The damage you've done ... to the other generations to come is shameful. I'm not blaming you, but you're a part of it.'

''Do the right thing,' said Raul Rodriquez, Jr. 'It's important that small businesses go back ... open their doors and go back to work so that they can earn a living ... we can get a haircut .. women can do their nails and we can go and buy things we need to survive. Please do the right thing. Vote the right way on behalf of the American people. God bless America and God bless Donald Trump.' 

At the end of the day, mask, golfing and motel restrictions were lifted -- colleges could reopen. 

 -Screenshot photos by InterChurch News

Speakers had two minutes each to voice opinions to the County Board of Supervisors May 5 and May 8 about rescinding local public health orders initiated in March to 'flatten the curve' of the COVID-19 virus.


'Let my people go!' Several citizens who spoke to the Riverside Board of Supervisors quoted Moses from the Book of Exodus.


County Board of Supervisor Chair V. Manuel Perez, directs speaker traffic to microphone at public hearing to rescind COVID-19 orders.


Face masks, social distancing orders extended until June 19

April 30. The County of Riverside health order prohibiting gatherings outside the home will expire at the end of today.

Beginning tomorrow -- May 1 -- the county will fall soley under the governor's stay-at-home order as it pertains to no gatherings -- and is extending the face coverings and a six-foot social distance requirements through June 19. 

Govenor Gavin Newsom's stay-at-home order does not have an expiration date. 

'While we work with the governor's plan for re-opening the state, people must be mindful that COVID-19 has not been eliminated,' said Dr. Cameron Kaiser, Riverside County Public Health Officer. 

'The new normal in Riverside County will still require social distancing, facial coverings and other precautions,' Kaiser said. 

Kaiser's orders closing all Riverside County schools and limiting short-term lodging until June 19 remain in effect. The initial all school closure order isssued March 13 was in effect from March 16 to April 3. 

The governor's order states that all California residents must stay home unless engaged in an essential business or activity, such as grocery shopping or visiting the doctor. Drive-in church services were clarified as an essential service -- in-person religious services are still not allowed. 

When the governor releases the stay-at-home order, Riverside County will be ready to move into the governor's second phase of reopening businesses. 

'As we begin to turn the corner, it is important that we also flatten the unemployment curve and work towards economic and social recovery,' said V. Manuel Perez, Riverside County Fourth District Supervisor and Board Chair. 

The no gathering, stay-at-home orders were necessary to 'flatten the curve' and slow the spread of the illness, which threatened to severely impact the county's health system. 

Riverside County projected over 60,000 COVID cases by early May with 9,000 hospitalizations and 1000 deaths. With 48,531 persons tested in the county as of April 29, less than 4,000 COVID-19 cases have been confirmed with 215 patients currently hospitalized and 143 deaths reported. 

-Compiled from RIVCO Public Health news release dated April 29 and previous RIVCO reports

Riverside County Launches Comprehensive Map of Food Resources

April 24. An increasing number of requests for resources has moved Riverside County to release an online map -- and app -- to connect residents to food resources.

Food Access gives directions to local senior meal sites, school district meal sites and food pantries within a 10-mile radius of an inquirers zip code.

The map also includes relevant details such as hours of operation, contact information and special populations served.

'Thank you to all the organizations that are making sure there is a safety net and our residents have food to eat,' stated V. Manuel Perez, Riverside County Board Chair and Fourth District Supervisor. 

As COVID-19 continues to cause uncertainty in the job market, many local organizations have introduced temporary food pantries. New food providers can email to be added to the map.

Food Access is available on and on the RivCoMobile app (available on iOS and Android). 

-Compiled from RIVCO Public Health new release dated April 23. 

Golfing, Tennis -- Limited Outdoor Activities May Resume

April 22. Private and public golf courses closed April 2 in Riverside County because of the COVID-19 pandemic will be allowed to operate -- but with restrictions under a revised order issued Monday. Social distancing and face coverings are still required. 

Golf (and tennis) shall be limited to foursomes. No caddies. No large gatherings, including fundraisers or tournaments will be permited before June 20, 2020. No in-person dining will be allowed in clubhouses.

Face coverings, such as scarves, bandanas and neck gaiters shall be worn by players and workers. 

Other outdoor activities allowed include hiking, biking and equestrian activities and other non-contact outdoor activities. Outdoor activities that remain prohibited include the use of picnic tables, playgrounds, team sports or other similar public events and gatherings. 

'Play is being cautiously reopened for observation,' said Dr. Cameron Kaiser, Riverside County public health officer.

The order became effective April 20 after it was signed by Kaiser. The county clarified parks and trails remain open -- including parking lots. 

'Golf is an iconic part of our destination, our history and our economy,' said Scott White, chief operating officer of Greater Palm Springs Convention and Visitors Bureau. 'We sincerely appreciate the news that golf will be reopened to allow our residents the opportunity to return to the sport they love.'

-Compiled from RIVCO Public Health news release dated April 20.

Testing Expanded to Include Residents Without Symptoms 

April 18. Riverside County residents who do not have coronavirus symptoms but want to be tested will now be able to. Officials say expanded testing will give health experts a better idea of the extent of the illness in Riverside County.

Those who want to be tested must call 800.945-6171 for an appointment -- drive-ups without appointments will be turned away.

A fifth testing site has been added at the Blythe Fairgrounds. The other four County testing site locations are Riverside County Fairgrounds in Indio (Tuesdays -Saturdays), Diamond Stadium in Lake Elsinore (Sundays-Thursdays), Harvest Christian Fellowship parking lot in Riverside (Tuesdays-Saturdays) and the Perris Fairgrounds (Tuesdays-Saturdays).

-Compiled from RIVCO Public Health news release dated April 17. 

Beaches closed, masks required; Thornhill Broome Beach, Malibu, March 2020. -Photo InterChurch News

COVID-19 Local PH News Releases:  (Extensive list of PH orders, CDC News Release History)

  • June 29: Order to reclose bars effective (Tuesday) June 30
  • June 26: Recreational team sports, including youth sports, not permitted
  • May 8: Riverside County reverts to state orders (Board of Supervisors 5-0 approves rescinding 3 of 4 local public health orders)
  • April 29: Clarification of local health officers orders
  • April 29: Health orders amended: face coverings, social distancing continues; 'COVID-19 has not been eliminated,' 'the new normal is ... '
  • April 24: REVISED - FAQs of State and Riverside County Stay-at-Home Orders
  • April 24: Riverside County receives $431 million from federal government under CARES Act
  • April 23: Behavioral health support available to public to assist with coping and anxiety
  • April 10: $100M to support child care for California essential workers 

COVID-19 Tracking: Ten City Regional Statistics

COVID-19 Riverside County Statistics by City: April 24 / May 11 / July 10 / August 20 

August 20: Ten City Regional: Canyon Lake: Cases-78, Deaths-1; Hemet: Cases-1,418, Deaths-38; Lake Elsinore: Cases-1,009, Deaths-17; Menifee: Cases-1,151, Deaths-16; Moreno Valley: Cases-4,913, Deaths-61; Murrieta: Cases-971, Deaths-20; Perris: Cases-1,791, Deaths-32; Riverside (City): Cases-6,946, Deaths-177; Temecula: Cases-865, Deaths-8; Wildomar: Cases-472, Deaths-11. Ten City cumulative statistics: Cases-19,614, Deaths-381 (increase of 10,506 cases, 128 deaths since July 10 reporting period = CFR: 1.2%)

July 10: Ten City Regional: Canyon Lake: Cases-32, Deaths-0; Hemet: Cases-629, Deaths-27; Lake Elsinore: Cases-450, Deaths-10; Menifee: Cases-492, Deaths-7; Moreno Valley: Cases-2,232, Deaths-38; Murrieta: Cases-473, Deaths-10; Perris: Cases-795, Deaths-17; Riverside (CIty): Cases-3,387, Deaths-139; Temecula: Cases-420, Deaths-0; Wildomar: Cases-198, Deaths-5. Ten City cumulative statistics: Cases-9,108, Deaths-253 (increase of 5,530 cases, 70 deaths since June 3 reporting period = CFR: 1.4%). 

June 3: Ten City Regional: Canyon Lake: Cases-12, Deaths-0; Hemet: Cases-282, Deaths-21; Lake Elsinore: Cases-180, Deaths-8; Menifee: Cases-180, Deaths-6; Moreno Valley: Cases-833, Deaths-24; Murrieta: Cases-124, Deaths-7; Perris: Cases-348, Deaths-7; Riverside (City): Cases-1393, Deaths-106; Temecula: Cases-150, Deaths-0; Wildomar: Cases-66, Deaths-4. Ten City cumulative statistics: Cases-3,578, Deaths-183 (increase of 571 cases, 28 deaths since May 22 reporting period = CFR: 5%)

May 22: Ten City Regional: Canyon Lake: Cases-12, Deaths-0; Hemet: Cases-241, Deaths-19; Lake Elsinore: Cases-153, Deaths-8; Menifee: Cases-147, Deaths-5; Moreno Valley: Cases-702, Deaths-22; Murrieta: Cases-115, Deaths-6; Perris: Cases-288, Deaths-5; Riverside (City): Cases-1,156, Deaths-86; Temecula: Cases-132, Deaths-0; Wildomar: Cases-61, Deaths-4. Ten City cumulative statistics: Cases-3,007, Deaths-155 (increase of 478 cases, 35 deaths since May 11 reporting period = CFR: 7.4%).

May 11: Ten City Regional: Canyon Lake: Cases-12, Deaths-0; Hemet: Cases-213, Deaths-14; Lake Elsinore: Cases-119, Deaths-7; Menifee: Cases-129, Deaths-4; Moreno Valley: Cases-588, Deaths-17; Murrieta: Cases-106, Deaths-4; Perris: Cases-232, Deaths-4; Riverside (City): Cases-961, Deaths-67; Temecula: Cases-111, Deaths-0; Wildomar: Cases-58, Deaths-4. Ten City cumulative statistics: Cases-2,529, Deaths-121 (increase of 878 cases, 63 deaths since April 24 reporting period = CFR: 7.2%).

April 24: Ten City Regional: Canyon Lake: Cases-9, Deaths-0; Hemet: Cases-162, Deaths-8; Lake Elsinore: Cases-87, Deaths-2; Menifee: Cases-97, Deaths-3; Moreno Valley: Cases-342, Deaths-13; Murrieta: Cases-89, Deaths-3; Perris: Cases-138, Deaths-2; Riverside (City): Cases-597, Deaths-25; Temecula: Cases-88, Deaths-0; Wildomar: Cases-42, Deaths-2. Ten City cumulative statistics: Cases-1,651, Deaths-58 (increase of 454 cases, 26 deaths since April 17 reporting period = CFR: 5.8%).

April 17: Ten City Regional: Canyon Lake: Cases-8, Deaths-0; Hemet: Cases-106, Deaths-3; Lake Elsinore: Cases-72, Deaths-2; Menifee: Cases-79, Deaths-1; Moreno Valley: Cases-249, Deaths-8; Murrieta: Cases-69, Deaths-2; Perris: Cases-99, Deaths-0; Riverside (City): Cases-407, Deaths-14; Temecula: Cases-78, Deaths-0; Wildomar: Cases-30, Deaths-2. Ten City cumulative statistics: Cases-1,197, Deaths-32 (increase of 511 cases, 18 deaths since April 12 reporting period = CFR: 3.6%).

April 12: Ten City Regional: Canyon Lake: Cases-4, Deaths-0; Hemet: Cases-31, Deaths-0; Lake Elsinore: Cases-51, Deaths-1; Menifee: Cases-50, Deaths-1; Moreno Valley: Cases-143, Deaths-4; Murrieta: Cases-52, Deaths-1; Perris: Cases-49, Deaths-0; Riverside (City): Cases-223, Deaths-6, Temecula: Cases-59, Deaths-0; Wildomar: Cases-24, Deaths-1. Ten City cumulative statistics: Cases-686, Deaths-14.

Photo Op: A Day in 10-City Regional: Friday, April 3 -Photos by InterChurch News

A one person line is at this COVID-19 testing site at Riverside's Kaiser Hospital -- by appointment only. ♦


Lines at Costco in Moreno Valley were 25-30 people deep with several lines side by side, Friday, April 3. Customers were outside waiting for the store to open at 10 a.m.  ♦


Lowe's parking lot in Menifee is nearly full, Friday, April 3; 'stay home' orders inspired DIY projects. ♦

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